Nine years ago this week, on the 15th of June 2012, former Democratic President Barack Obama protected Dreamers from deportation through an executive order, after an intense pressure campaign from these very same people and pro-immigrant organizations. Obama did it before his reelection when he was looking for votes... Continue »
June is #ImmigrantHeritageMonth, which is a time to recognize the positive impact of immigrants in our communities and across the country that have been, and always will be, an integral part of our nation’s fabric. To honor these communities and celebrate the diversity that is our strength, many immigrants,... Continue »
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Leading childrens’ advocates, faith voices, and observers are condemning Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s cynical and cruel executive order instructing state child-care regulators to revoke the licenses of facilities that house unaccompanied immigrant minors, noting that it attacks the most vulnerable among us and is a transparent political stunt that... Continue »
Washington, DC –  The discord between harsh reality and Republicans’ cruel theater was on full display yesterday. A report from the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General was made public which uncovered fresh evidence of the depravity and deceit of the Trump administration. It detailed shocking conduct from 2017-2018... Continue »
“Hoy ha sido un recordatorio del porqué las elecciones importan” Washington, DC – El gobierno de Biden anunció hoy que otorgaría nuevamente el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para Haití. Como lo informó primero Hamed Aleaziz en BuzzFeed, la noticia significa que unos 150,000 haitianos que viven en Estados... Continue »
In 2017, Ed Gillespie, the GOP nominee for Governor, ran a viciously anti-immigrant campaign, which surprised many observers because he had been viewed as more of an establishment Republican than a Trump extremist. During the general election, instead of moving to the center in a state that had been... Continue »
The following is by Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice. Why is the incoming Biden-Harris administration leaning in on immigration? Because the tectonic plates have shifted, creating a bigger opening than ever for pro-immigrant policy.  The key factors in this shift: 1) Trump’s nativism backfired with the majority... Continue »
In a new analysis posted on Medium, Frank Sharry looks back at the debate over immigration policy and immigration politics and concludes that Trump’s xenophobia and cruelty have backfired.  He argues immigration and the pro-immigrant movement have confronted and survived the existential threat Trump and Stephen Miller posed to... Continue »
President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President elect Kamala Harris have made diversity a key component of their soon-to-be administration. From women and people from various races and backgrounds to immigrants and the children of immigrants, the new administration is shaping up to be the most diverse in U.S. history.  Here... Continue »
Throughout the pandemic, undocumented workers have borne a terrible price – serving in essential jobs as farmworkers, food processors, and healthcare workers, while being disproportionately affected by COVID and left out of economic recovery. Today, an array of observers offer reminders for why including undocumented workers in our nation’s... Continue »