Mitchell Soto-Rodriguez, the first DACA recipient to be sworn in as a police officer in Illinois’ Blue Island community, was among voices calling for permanent relief for young undocumented immigrants during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday. While the program has allowed her to pursue her professional dreams...

Washington, DC — We are at a critical juncture. The House is gearing up to vote on the Build Back Better bill and the House Judiciary Committee has included immigration reforms. We at America’s Voice support these reforms and urge their passage. Here are some key points that members...

By Andrea Fatima Rojas The Senate Parliamentarian has been front and center in the fight for immigration reform in 2021. While not publicly visible, she has played a major role in determining the future of 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.. WHAT IS THE SENATE PARLIMENTARIAN? The...

A link to the recording can be found here. Washington, DC- Today, advocates and activists who mobilize immigrant, Black, Latino, Labor and progressive voters in key battleground states gathered on a press call to urge Democrats to keep fighting and win legalization for immigrants because of its impact on...

On Tuesday, September 21, 2021, thousands of immigration advocates from across the country marched the streets of Washington, D.C. to demand Congress includes a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the budget reconciliation package. The march was part of a nationwide effort to ensure Congress invests in the...
Sep 17, 2021
For those who have waited for immigration reform that legalizes them, a few more days doesn’t mean much. Well, at least not the time needed to know if the Senate Parliamentarian will or will not authorize inclusion of a path to citizenship in the budgetary measure that will be...

Aug 24, 2021
Douglas Rivlin: “Democrats will be judged by results achieved and promises kept. And today, they took another step forward toward delivering on their commitments to the American people.” Today, the House of Representatives passed a budget framework that would include new pathways to citizenship for millions. The following...
Al aproximarse el otoño comienza la cuenta regresiva para el fin de 2021 y, con ello, la posibilidad de que muchos asuntos legislativos se resuelvan o vuelvan a quedarse en el tintero, de cara a un año de elecciones intermedias, 2022, cuando toda la atención se centra en la política...
La inclusión del lenguaje que proveería una ruta a la legalización en el plan presupuestario del Senado abre otro capítulo, esta vez durante la presidencia del demócrata Joe Biden, de la carrera maratónica con obstáculos que ha sido y es la búsqueda de una reforma migratoria que regularice a...

The National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC), the political arm of the House Republican Caucus, has a long history of running racist, xenophobic ads, as documented by America’s Voice ad tracking over the past few cycles. The Republican Party has nothing to offer the American people – besides the Big...