Beto O’Rourke pledges to fight against separating families seeking safety in America During a CNN town hall with Dana Bash, Congressman Beto O’Rourke condemned President Trump’s zero-tolerance policy — the cruel strategy responsible for the separation of hundreds of families. O’Rourke, facing incumbent Ted Cruz in a marquee Senate... Continue »
“Like just about everything else in Donald Trump’s career, his immigration strategy is a bankrupt mess” As President Trump tries to whip up a frenzy over border security, immigration and asylum policy, here are three key points to keep in mind: Trump and the GOP own this problem, and... Continue »
In May, White House senior adviser Stephen Miller told Breitbart that attacking immigrants was going to be the main focus of Republicans running in this fall’s elections, and boy did GOP candidates deliver. As we’ve been tracking at our new website, dozens of Republicans across the country have... Continue »
America’s Voice Press Advisory: Interfaith Press Conference for a Commitment to Solidarity with Our Immigrant Neighbors This is How You Do It, Democrats The Cruelty, Incompetence and Cynicism of Trump’s Border Strategy Cookie-Cutter Racism: There Are So Many GOP Candidates Running Race-Baiting Ads, They’re Copying Each Other English Wall... Continue »
A Is For America podcast
*** * On this week’s episode of our podcast “A is for America”, we spoke with Daniel Nichanian, who is a fellow at the The Justice Collaborative Engagement Project and a writer at The Appeal. He recently wrote a piece about local cooperation with ICE and all the places where ICE... Continue »
“Es una grave acusación hacia su presidencia el que sea más duro con la gente morena vulnerable en busca de seguridad, que los regímenes autocráticos que asesinan a sus opositores”   Con la cuenta de Twitter del presidente Trump consumida una vez más por el alarmismo antiinmigrante, compartimos a... Continue »
Weeks from Election Day, Senate Candidate Beto O’Rourke leans into immigration, paves progressive path in effort to attract new voters in Texas AUSTIN, TX – With less than 20 days from midterm elections, Senate Candidate Beto O’Rourke just released an ad calling on a permanent solution for young immigrants... Continue »
“It’s a searing indictment of his presidency that he’s tougher on vulnerable brown people that seek safety than autocratic regimes that kill their opponents” With President Trump’s Twitter feed once more consumed with anti-immigrant fear-mongering, the following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice: Just... Continue »
In a piece for The Guardian, Sabrina Siddiqui captures the  Republican party’s attack ad strategy: mimic Trump, stoke fear of immigrants; attack Democrats for standing up for immigrants; and sow divisions.   The piece is excerpted below and available in full here. The outline of a child skips across... Continue »
Hacia 1935, en pleno apogeo del fascismo en Europa y de los estragos de la Gran Depresión en Estados Unidos, se publicaba una novela que, de no haber sido ficción, habría suscitado un terror social inmediato y generalizado por la crudeza de sus descripciones, especialmente en el ámbito de... Continue »