Pope Francis’s upcoming visit to Mexico will include a powerful act of compassion he was ultimately unable to accomplish during his US tour last year — a visit to the border. When the Pontiff visited the US, immigration advocates had hoped the Pope’s plea for compassion would resonate for... Continue »
In a unanimous vote earlier this week, the Los Angeles Unified School District adopted a resolution preventing ICE officials from stepping foot onto school property without prior permission. Board members noted that while immigration agents haven’t attempted to detain any students, school officials wanted to reassure fearful Latino and... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times: Donald Trump Takes Aim at Ted Cruz Again By Nick Corasaniti New York Times: Before Donald Trump, There Was Jan Brewer By Josh Barro ThinkProgress: What Trump’s Victory Means For Latinos In New Hampshire By Alice Ollstein Politico:... Continue »
Apenas es febrero y para la elección general de 2016 aún quedan 270 días, pero han pasado ya tantas cosas en este ciclo electoral, que es difícil mantenerse al día. En el lado republicano, la contienda por la nominación presidencial ha pasado de 15 candidatos a sólo seis hasta... Continue »
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have emerged as the winners of the New Hampshire primaries. Despite Donald Trump pulling the entire Republican field to the right on immigration, only 1 in 7 Republican voters rated it as their top issue. And as the attention of presidential candidates shifts to... Continue »
It’s only February and the 2016 general election is still over 270 days away, but so much has already happened in this year’s cycle, it’s hard to keep track. On the Republican side, the Presidential field has gone from 15 candidates, to just six as of today: Jeb Bush,... Continue »
2016 Election Coverage from America's Voice
It’s only February and the 2016 general election is still over 270 days away, but so much has already happen in this year’s cycle, it’s hard to keep track. On the Republican side, the Presidential field has gone from 15 candidates, to just seven as of today: Jeb Bush,... Continue »
Donald Trump really prides himself on being a smart businessman. He’s made it one of the primary reasons why he thinks he belongs in the White House, saying that “we need people in Washington that know how to make a deal.” But, there’s plenty of reasons to scoff at... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Politico: 5 numbers that explain why Trump and Sanders won By Steven Shepard NBC News: New Hampshire Primary Could Fundamentally Change Both Political Parties By Perry Bacon Jr. New York Times: Illegal Immigration a Low Priority for Republican Voters By David... Continue »
El extremismo volvió a prevalecer tras el triunfo de Donald Trump. La interrogante es si los votantes creen que tiene madera y liderazgo para enfrentar al nominado o la nominada demócrata el 8 de noviembre. Por el bando demócrata, el senador de Vermont, Bernie Sanders, también ganó ante Hillary... Continue »