Washington, DC — Yesterday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Florida Senator and onetime GOP immigration reform champion Marco Rubio embraced Donald Trump’s mass-deportation vision, while relying on the conspiratorial white nationalist “invasion” rhetoric connected to real-world violence.  Rubio’s comments, at direct odds with his 2016 stated beliefs and the... Continue »
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has in recent days repeatedly minimized the horrific weekend in August 2017 when tiki torch-wielding neo-Nazis marched through the streets of Charlottesville and later murdered counter-protester Heather Heyer. In a social media post last Wednesday, Trump downplayed the white supremacist rally where neo-Nazis chanted... Continue »
The Republican Party has fully embraced the white nationalist and antisemitic invasion and replacement conspiracy to describe immigration and the border – a racist fiction that has inspired multiple terrorist attacks and actively threatens our democracy. Over the last several years, this deadly racist conspiracy that non-whites are plotting to... Continue »
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) went on Face the Nation over the weekend to talk about the Trump Administration’s ongoing practice of separating families and children at the border, where he proceeded to be a font of inaccuracies and falsehoods that we know he knows are wrong. Here’s what he... Continue »
For a recording of today’s call, please email nicole@npstrategygroup.com Miramar, FL– This morning, Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam joined Florida Dreamers and leaders to discuss why a legislative solution for Dreamers is so urgent for Florida and America and to call on Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Representative John Rutherford (FL-04)... Continue »
Today, Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) held the Senate floor to remind listeners of the DREAMers’ contributions in response to President-elect Donald Trump’s vow to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. As Nelson emphasized, the 750,000 DREAMers who currently have work permits under DACA are our neighbors, classmates, colleagues,... Continue »
Both Sen. Marco Rubio and Speaker Paul Ryan have early voted, but that’s not the only thing they have in common. Both recently cast their ballots for Donald Trump for President, and both — as if trying to avoid some sort of poltergeist — couldn’t even bring themselves to... Continue »
“He’s from the party of Trump” An increasing number of Floridians are beginning to question their support of Senator Marco Rubio ahead of tomorrow’s second senatorial debate at Broward College. Nowhere is the shifting tide more on display than in Orlando where Floridian Latinos booed Rubio during the Puerto Rican Calle Orange... Continue »
Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio, who was against immigration reform before he was for it before he was against it again, is in a tough reelection fight against Congressman Patrick Murphy. The four most recent polls have shown the race has tightened considerably. We first saw this news about... Continue »
President Obama excoriated Marco Rubio on his home turf yesterday, calling him out for his ongoing support for Donald Trump, despite criticizing him as unqualified and “dangerous” during the GOP primary. “How can you call him a con artist and dangerous and object to all the controversial things he says, and... Continue »