The Senate immigration reform debate began this week, ushered in by a resounding 84-15 vote on the Motion to Proceed. Buoyed by polls that show broad bipartisan support for reform with a path to citizenship from the American people and intense support for reform from Latino voters, many believe that a strong...
This week, the Senate began debate on the immigration reform bill. If you’ve been watching, you’re seeing just how complicated the process in the Senate can be. It’s subject to a lot of delaying tactics and procedural games. As you can imagine, opponents of reform–led by Senator Jefferson Beauregard...
NBC Latino: New polls: Even in red states, strong support for immigration reform By Sandra Lilley Wall Street Journal: Senate Rejects GOP Immigration Amendment By Corey Boles Reuters: Senate rejects Republican effort to gut immigration bill By Thomas Ferraro and Richard Cowan NBC: Center holds as Senate kills GOP...
Tratando de asegurarse más visados para trabajadores extranjeros cualificados, las compañías tecnológicas han intensificado su presión esta semana a favor de una amplia reforma migratoria que se está debatiendo en Estados Unidos. Los ejecutivos de Recursos Humanos de Adobe, Broadcom, Intel, Motorola Solutions y otras empresas se reunieron el...
Los activistas pro reforma migratoria cantaron victoria esta semana cuando una súper mayoría del senado votó dos veces en favor de iniciar el debate del proyecto S 744 de reforma migratoria, un voto histórico que demuestra que hay voluntad política para considerar el tema seriamente en el Congreso. Los...
El Senado no avanzó ayer con el voto de enmiendas sobre una reforma migratoria y sólo se centró en debatir la propuesta resaltando el tema de seguridad fronteriza. Republicanos y demócratas no lograron acuerdo en el proceso a seguir, una señal de las trabas que enfrentará el plan en...
Jun 13, 2013
TIME: Chuck Schumer and the Art of the Deal By Alex Altman ABC/Univision: Inside the Amendment That Could Threaten Immigration Bill By Jordan Fabian The Atlantic: On Immigration, Rubio Is Good for the GOP, Cruz and Sessions Are a Drag By Garance Franke-Ruta Voxxi: How lawmakers speak about immigration...
Steve King could not make it clearer that he hates undocumented people. Last week, it was a House amendment that would strip funding for DACA and lead to the deportation of DREAMers. Today, he’s tweeting about how young students are ‘invading’ his office: 20 brazen self professed illegal aliens have...
Cornyn Amendment Attacks Path to Citizenship, Rubio Moves Erode Trust in Him, Sessions Stalling Tactics Bring Senate Floor Process to a Crawl The Senate immigration reform debate began this week, ushered in by a resounding 84-15 vote on the Motion to Proceed. Buoyed by polls that show broad bipartisan...
The following is a press statement from the Alliance 4 Citizenship, Partnership for a New American Economy, and Republicans for Immigration Reform: New State Polls Shows Public Backs Elected Officials Who Vote for Senate Gang of Eight Bill On the heels of the US Senate’s first vote on the...