As immigration reform heads to the Senate floor, those who watch the issue are starting to count heads and gauge which legislators might be in support. In the Senate, if all Democrats and Independents vote for the bill, that’s 54 votes. There’s one seat currently open after the death...
ABC/Univision: Jeff Sessions Wants to Single-Handedly Crush Immigration Reform By Jordan Fabian Washington Post (Blog): Immigration reform will ease that entitlements “crisis” we keep hearing about By Greg Sargent National Review (Blog): On Immigration, It’s ‘Reformers Versus Racists’ By Ian Tuttle Salon: Democrats’ deal-making fetish will backfire By Joan...
Una amplia mayoría de votantes estadunidenses estimaron que el empuje en el Congreso para aprobar este año una amplia reforma migratoria fracasará, reveló una nueva encuesta. El pesimismo parece reflejar la incertidumbre sobre los prospectos de que una eventual iniciativa sea aprobada en la Cámara de Representantes, que está...
Una coalición de iglesias evangélicas en Estados Unidos anunció hoy que gastará un cuarto de millón de dólares en una campaña publicitaria en favor de una reforma migratoria. La llamada Mesa Evangélica por la Inmigración anunció lo que describió como la “campaña de avisos pagados más grande y agresiva...
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and other Republican Senators are making it clear that they need to see even more enforcement and a tougher path to citizenship in this compromise legislation. This is raising concerns that the GOP will upset the careful balance in the Gang of Eight bill by demanding “border security...
The Senate Gang of 8 immigration bill will likely move to the Senate floor next week, and if there’s one person who’s been in front of the charge to delay and stall the bill, it’s Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions (R-AL). A profile by Jordan Fabian at ABC/Univision today goes...
Update: Also congratulations to Connecticut for moving forward with a bill that will soon protect undocumented immigrants who report crime. All attention for immigration legislation is on the Gang of 8 reform bill that’s soon to hit the Senate floor—but major changes that could benefit immigrants’ lives are...
USA Today (Gannett Washington Bureau): Immigration bill faces tough path in full Senate By Erin Kelly ABC/Univision: Rubio: Immigration’s Possible Savior and Probable Punching Bag By Ted Hesson Washington Post (Blog): Can the GOP base really kill immigration reform? Not if Republicans don’t let it. By Greg Sargent