Dec 22, 2022
Dear Friends, Before we close out the year I wanted to send a note to wish you a wonderful holiday and introduce myself as America’s Voice new Executive Director. Stepping in to lead after Frank Sharry’s departure is a humbling task, yet for me is also one filled with...
Por Maribel Hastings Cuando fue contratada por Frank Sharry, entonces director del Foro Nacional de Inmigración en Washington, D.C. al poco tiempo de salir de la universidad, Vanessa Cárdenas jamás imaginó que 20 años más tarde lo sucedería en la dirección del grupo pro inmigrante America’s Voice, fundado por...
America’s Voice reacts to Rep. Salazar immigration bill Washington, DC – Today, South Florida Republican Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar introduced immigration legislation titled “The Dignity Act.” Her office describes the proposal as a “reasonable and compassionate approach” that “will finally fix an immigration system that has been broken for...
Democrats and the Biden administration need to deliver this year Washington, DC – A new report and survey of DACA recipients published by the Center for American Progress (CAP) underscores how pro-immigrant policies like the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program can transform lives and strengthen the country....
Nuevo sondeo de PRRI muestra que la gente sigue siendo decididamente pro inmigrante, a pesar de los ataques racistas del Partido Republicano Washington, DC – Una nueva encuesta de PRRI muestra que una fuerte mayoría del pueblo estadounidense mantiene su apoyo al estatus legal y a la ciudadanía para...
New Immigration Polling from PRRI Shows Public Remains Resolutely Pro-Immigrant, Despite GOP’s Race-baiting Attacks Washington, DC – New polling from PRRI shows that a strong majority of the American public remains supportive of legal status and citizenship for undocumented immigrants. It’s a point of durable consensus among Americans and...
Washington, DC – Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of an Executive Order from President Biden that aimed to develop a “multi-pronged approach toward managing migration throughout North and Central America that reflects the Nation’s highest values” and ultimately “foster sustainable societies” throughout the Northern Triangle. Just last week, Vice...
Must-Read New Yorker Article by Jonathan Blitzer featuring Andrea Flores Washington, DC – A must-read article in the New Yorker, by longtime immigration chronicler Jonathan Blitzer, tells the story of the Biden Administration’s disappointing first year on immigration and border measures through the lens of former White House National...
Must-read Catherine Rampell column on the Biden immigration and border record after one year Washington, DC – A must-read column from the Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell, “A year into his presidency, Biden has kept some of Trump’s worst immigration policies in place. Why?” captures the dispiriting reality of the...