+Click here to host your own DAPA Dinner Yesterday, the Pinto family of Virginia met with Rep. Don Beyer for a “DAPA Dinner,” a campaign to highlight how DAPA and expanded DACA would benefit immigrant families all across the nation. The dinner, organized by the Virginia Immigrant Coalition for Immigrant Rights,... Continue »
New polling from the Pew Research Center underscores that the American public is strongly in favor of welcoming and practical immigration policies, in sharp contrast to the tone and tenor of the Republican presidential campaign. Among the key immigration-related findings in the Pew Research polling: Three-of-four Americans, including a majority of... Continue »
Nationally, more than half of the nation’s 2.5 million seasonal farmworkers are undocumented. The simple fact is, without the back-breaking work of immigrants — undocumented and otherwise — there would not be food on our tables. It’s a fact lost among the toxic rhetoric of Republican candidates this election... Continue »
New USC Dornsife/LA Times Polling of CA Voters Matches Findings from Recent Nationwide Polling, Underscores Political Dangers for GOP in 2016 General Election and Beyond The state of California represents a cautionary tale for the national Republican Party on how anti-immigrant politics can help accelerate the electoral  consequences of... Continue »
Rubio Immigration New Hampshire
Cross-posted from Frank Sharry’s post on Medium: It’s not terribly surprising that a Republican Party that has failed to effectively counter the rise of Trump is now trying to rally around Marco Rubio as the great “establishment” hope. The hope is that the Cuban-American Senator from Florida can help... Continue »
2016 Election Coverage from America's Voice
Here’s an updated primer on where each of the 2016 Republican candidates stand on immigrants and immigration reform. For more 2016 election coverage from America’s Voice, visit AmericasVoice.org/2016. Candidates Covered in this Research Official Candidates Former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL) Dr. Ben Carson Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Gov. John Kasich (R-OH)... Continue »
Andres Oppenheimer: GOP Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Alienating Latinos and Threatening Republicans’ Chances Kerry Eleveld: Home Raids Against Central American Refugees Could Give GOP “An Escape Route by Driving Down Participation” Among Latino & Immigrant Voters With immigration center stage in the 2016 presidential cycle, one of the most important questions... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times (Opinion): The Supreme Court vs. the President By Linda Greenhouse Los Angeles Times: Far from the Mexican border, 2016 GOP presidential candidates keep immigration at forefront By Cathleen Decker Huffington Post: Ted Cruz Distorts Marco Rubio’s Immigration Stance... Continue »
Earlier this week, the Obama Administration deported a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, despite the government earlier having approved her DACA application and granted her “advanced parole” request to travel to and from Mexico.  The case of Lesly Sophia Cortez-Martinez is a troubling example of the... Continue »
As we noted yesterday, a report has noted that while the number of eligible Latino voters is 40 percent higher in 2016 than in 2008, our voting muscle remains undermobilized. However, more and more evidence is showing that Latinos are becoming energized thanks to help from the unlikeliest of... Continue »