Senators Patrick Leahy, Richard Durbin, and 20 of their Democratic colleagues in the Senate have sent a letter to President Obama calling for a halt to recent ICE raids targeting Central American mothers and children from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala for deportation. “We are troubled by the priorities... Continue »
For us, it’s always been first and foremost about the families torn apart or at risk of being torn apart by our nation’s broken immigration system. Many of these immigrants are oftentimes lumped together in cold statistics, just one of the millions deported in record numbers by the Obama Administration... Continue »
Ahead of Tonight’s GOP Debate in SC, Leading GOP Contenders Propose Mass Deportation or Self-Deportation During this week’s official Republican response to the State of the Union address, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley called on the country to resist “the siren call of the angriest voices” in how we welcome and treat... Continue »
In leading Spanish language media outlets, the Obama Administration’s home raids against Central American refugees are dominating coverage. In reporting and reflections, key Spanish language outlets and commentators are highlighting how the raids are causing panic and fear in the entire immigrant community, as well as the extraordinary steps the immigrant... Continue »
Please note the following column was translated from Spanish to English. This column is available online in Spanish here. As immigrants, we have all felt fear at some point. In most cases – fear propagates across the immigrant community with frequency. This fear manifests itself in several ways for immigrants residing in... Continue »
With General Elections Around the Corner, Jason Riley of the Wall Street Journal Explains Why California Remains a Cautionary Tale for the GOP As Donald Trump and Ted Cruz continue to argue over who’s the biggest anti-immigrant demagogue in the GOP field, Jason Riley of the Wall Street Journal offers a... Continue »
Frank Sharry: “A party that needs to expand its appeal in a country undergoing a huge demographic transition has lurched to the right in a way that is likely to make it unelectable in the 2016 presidential race.” Political observers have been busy this week assessing the immigration back-and-forth... Continue »
Frank Sharry: “Let us hope the nation ultimately rejects the radicalism of the right in favor of the humanity of our ideals” The stark contrast between the two parties on immigration was on full display this week. Yesterday, speaking at a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives, President Barack... Continue »
“I just need to raise them” says Melvin Villanueva “Although you’re young / someday you will understand / why I wasn’t there / on your special day” sings Oscar Villanueva from Honduras to his six year-old son in United States This Sunday, the New York Times magazine will run a piece by Luke Mogelson... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): ThinkProgress: There Are Immigrants At Your Thanksgiving Dinner Table. You Just May Not Realize It. By Esther Yu-Hsi Lee A year after Obama’s executive action, the undocumented remain steeped in fear By Jorge Cancino MSNBC: Ted Cruz refuses to take... Continue »