A recording of the event is available here: Video link Washington, DC — (May 3, 2024) — Today at the National Press Club, five organizations — Voto Latino, Unidos US Action Fund, Mi Familia Vota, Latino Victory Project, and America’s Voice — came together to announce that they are...

Mar 28, 2024
Washington, DC – Below is a column by Maribel Hastings from America’s Voice en Español translated to English from Spanish. It ran in several Spanish-language media outlets earlier this week: Joe Biden’s statement last week to Latino voters in Phoenix, Arizona reflects what’s on the line in what is...
As we enter 2024, we can fully expect to be deluged with an onslaught of punditry about the Latino vote. Over the years, we have watched as many paid political prognosticators expressed their uninformed takes on how Latinos will vote and it’s usually dire predictions that Democrats are in...

Mar 7, 2022
De cara a los comicios intermedios en noviembre de este año y con la mira puesta en las elecciones generales de 2024, los demócratas tienen una dura tarea por delante para tratar de entusiasmar a los votantes que componen su base. Esto es en gran medida porque el impacto...
La semana pasada estuvo repleta de historias de Dreamers que han visto truncadas sus posibilidades de obtener un permiso de trabajo y protección de la deportación, tras el fallo del juez de distrito de Texas, Andrew Hanen, quien declaró ilegal el programa DACA y suspendió el procesamiento de nuevas...

Early voting began Monday in Georgia ahead of the January runoff elections. Longstanding organizing efforts by and of communities of color have built political power over time and could prove decisive in the twin senatorial races that culminate in January. The multiracial electorate in Georgia highlights the role of...

The Story of the Dramatic Political Change in the Southwest Three years ago, Arizona had zero Democratic senators. After yesterday’s official swearing in of Mark Kelly, Arizona now has two Democratic senators. Together with the official certification of Joe Biden as the winner of Arizona in the presidential...

Must read by WaPo’s Greg Sargent on why Arizona going blue is a big deal Yesterday, Arizona officially certified that Joe Biden won the state. Tomorrow, Democrat Mark Kelly will be sworn in as the new U.S. Senator for Arizona. These developments reflect one of the most consequential trends...

Marisa Franco: “This vicious cycle of writing off Latinos as infrequent voters — and then blaming us for election outcomes and using that to justify inaction on issues that matter to us — must end.” Latinos, Black voters, and AAPI voters were part of the multiracial majority that recoiled...
Oct 20, 2020
While President Donald Trump defies the coronavirus with packed rallies that have been sources of contagion, even though it doesn’t matter to his loyal followers, around the country other places are equally packed. But these places are filled with voters who are waiting in long and, in many cases,...