For Joe Heck, Trump’s fitness for the presidency fluctuates based on the perceived impact on Heck’s own political fortunes In October, Nevada Senate candidate Rep. Joe Heck said that, “in good conscience,” he could not continue to support Donald Trump and noted his desire to “formally ask Mr. Trump to step... Continue »
A new ad inspired by the infamous 1964 “Daisy” ad that helped defeat Republican Presidential nominee Barry Goldwater is targeting another extremist: Joe Arpaio. “The stakes are too high to let Trump and Arpaio win.” Powerful new @BaztaArpaio ad: #BaztaArpaio — America’s Voice (@AmericasVoice) November 1, 2016 Bazta Arpaio, the Arizona... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Washington Post (Opinion): Trumpism must be crushed. Here is one way to do it. By Greg Sargent Univision (Op-ed): On November 8, Latinos can become the wall between Donald Trump and the White House By Gabe Ortíz Washington Post: Donald Trump... Continue »
Even Trump Voters Support “Stay” over “Go” By 2:1 New polling from Pew Research finds that by a 4:1 margin Americans support a policy that allows undocumented immigrants to stay legally over a policy that does not allow undocumented immigrants to stay legally.  Since Pew began asking this question in 2013,... Continue »
A cautionary tale from 2010 for pollsters and pundits as we near Election Day 2016. As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) awoke on Election Day 2010, he was considered “a goner,” so said Tom Kludt of Talking Points Memo. As Kludt noted, “In the dying embers of the 2010 midterms,... Continue »
2016 GOTV and canvassing operations, pro-immigrant energy and enthusiasm, and anti-Trump and anti-Republican sentiments are helping to bolster Democratic candidates in key Latino-heavy states such as Nevada, Arizona, Florida, and Virginia. “There’s a lot of skepticism about voter enthusiasm this year, but voters who are part of the pro-immigrant... Continue »
Could beleaguered Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio be headed for defeat this November? It’s sure been looking like it lately. A new survey released this past week shows Arpaio trailing his Democratic opponent, Paul Penzone, by nearly 15 points. It’s the second poll within the past two weeks to have... Continue »
Hungry? Needed to register to vote in Nevada? These folks had it covered. On the last day of voter registration in the state yesterday — and a day before the final Presidential debate in Las Vegas — local groups lined up a caravan of 35 taco trucks and dozens of... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Politico: Kaine delivers entire speech in Spanish at Miami church By Rebecca Morin Politico: Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 50 points among Latinos By Louis Nelson Associated Press: Confident Clinton expanding her campaign into ‘red’ states By Lisa Lerer and Kathleen... Continue »
Just like the presidential matchup, the vice presidential debate between Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine (D) presents a sharp contrast on immigration – each candidate embodies and embraces their respective parties’ wildly distinct visions about immigrants and immigration reform. Below, we offer key immigration... Continue »