Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): USA Today: Building a wall not enough to secure border, DHS nominee John Kelly says By Donovan Slack ABC: DACA Beneficiary Shares Concerns During Confirmation Hearing for Gen. John Kelly Associated Press: DC mayor announces plans for immigrant defense fund Washington... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Los Angeles Times: Opponents of legal immigration hope their ties to Jeff Sessions will influence Trump By Joseph Tanfani USA Today: Senate panel to grill Trump’s Homeland Security pick By Donovan Slack Wall Street Journal: Jeff Sessions’s Confirmation Hearing to Likely... Continue »
A Vote to Confirm is a Vote for Everything He Does in Office Senator Jeff Sessions’ longstanding views and record on civil rights, voting rights and immigration make him unfit to serve as Attorney General. Surely, this should be cause for a difficult confirmation process.  But,  according to Paul Kane’s Washington Post story,... Continue »
Next week, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on the nomination of Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General of the United States.  Today, the Alabama NAACP is holding protests around the state to protest the nomination (via press release): Alabamians Against Sessions for Attorney General will include five... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Teen Vogue: This Map Tracks Hate Crimes and Harassment Committed By Donald Trump Supporters By Greg Seals The Daily Dot: This map tracks where people are being harassed by Trump supporters By Mehak Anwar New York Times: ‘Stay Calm,’ Mexican Officials... Continue »
American Public Overwhelmingly Supports Legalization and Rejects Deportation Trump’s Overt Nativism Actually Driving Up Support For Practical, Humane Policy Though we are still hours away from the first 2016 polls closing, one result is already in: nativism lost big. GOP nominee Donald Trump made his hard line anti-immigrant stance... Continue »
Though many of them cannot vote in this Presidential election, immigrants are making their voices heard in what is shaping out to be a historic election for Latinos. As we noted earlier today, a leading story emerging from early voting days has been that of Latino voters owning their power... Continue »
Mounting evidence of a Latino voter surge, nationally and in key states Throughout this election cycle, one of the key questions has been whether Donald Trump would turn out “missing white voters” in numbers big enough to win him the presidency. The theory, popular on the right in recent... Continue »
Donald Trump’s insult-laden campaign has given permission to many to vocally express their racist and intolerant views — even in our nation’s schools. Since the start of his candidacy, we’ve seen a flood of disturbing attacks on Latino and other students of color at the hands of pro-Trump students.... Continue »
Two of the new citizens who are voting for the first time this November aren’t just voting for themselves — they’re also voting for the undocumented immigrants who can’t vote. In the battleground state of Nevada — where early voting numbers are indicating Latino and immigrant voters are energized... Continue »