Trump hides behind a wall in Washington D.C. while he diverts public funds to build a campaign prop on the border   Nick Miroff’s story in the Washington Post carries the headline “People are sawing through and climbing over Trump’s border wall. Now contractors are being asked for ideas... Continue »
One Year After Passage of H.R. 6, DACA Recipients and TPS Holders Still Fighting for Pathway to Citizenship On the one year anniversary of the passage of H.R. 6 in the House of Representatives, Reps. Lucille Royal-Allard (D-CA), Nydia Velásquez (D-NY), and Yvette Clark (D-NY) explain in an op-ed... Continue »
During last November’s DACA oral arguments at the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts expressed disbelief that ending DACA would lead to additional deportations. The oral argument exchange gave the Trump Administration a benefit of the doubt they clearly do not deserve given their overall immigration track record and... Continue »
Statement by Frank Sharry   Rep. Steve King lost his Republican primary for reelection to the House from Iowa’s 4th District last night. While he will not return to Congress in January, his legacy of racism, ultra-nationalism and xenophobia is now the central organizing principle of the Republican Party... Continue »
The United States is being stalked by different scourges: the coronavirus pandemic and its resulting economic crisis; the political violence against African Americans and minorities; and a prejudiced president, incapable of having empathy for anyone and anything, who continues fomenting violence and division. He is, in many ways, the... Continue »
Trump’s wall has already passed the level of obsession. It’s like a sort of zipper on a garment that doesn’t fit, but one stubbornly tries to close it anyway. The seams of the garment struggle in the effort, a warning that it’s simply not possible to achieve the objective.... Continue »
Martin Luther King, Jr: “True peace is not the absence of conflict…. but the presence of justice.” Typically, America’s Voice stays in the immigration lane. But at this moment, Americans from all walks and activists on all issues need to stand up and be heard. The killing of Black... Continue »
A recording of the call is available here. Earlier today, immigrant advocates, lawmakers, and stakeholders gathered on a press call to discuss the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on naturalization proceedings and how the push to hold virtual ceremonies will impact communities across the country.  The HEROES Act, which... Continue »
The border wall is a costly campaign prop While America mourns the loss of 100,000 of our friends and family, President Trump remains consumed with building his border wall.  Elizabeth Findell of the Wall Street Journal highlights how the Trump administration is proceeding full steam ahead with border wall... Continue »
Lawrence Downes, formerly an editorial writer for the New York Times, pens a must-read op-ed in the Los Angeles Times today: “Republicans weaponized ‘amnesty’ to make undocumented immigrants suffer. Let’s take it back.” Downes writes like few others and has long captured the nuances of the immigration debate and... Continue »