Líderes juveniles en Estados Unidos dieron hoy a conocer una propuesta de 20 puntos para una reforma migratoria integral, que incluye un camino “claro” a la ciudadanía para unos 11 millones de indocumentados. Los principios presentados por la coalición nacional United We Dream (Juntos Soñamos) incluyen además el fin... Continuar »
Mientras la Casa Blanca y el Senado uñtiman detalles con miras a un debate en las próximas semanas, un grupo bipartidista de la Cámara de Representantes ultima detalles de un plan de reforma migratoria que entregarán el 12 de febrero, confirmó a Noticias Univision la congresista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Agregó... Continuar »
Citizenship is the mainstream position in the immigration debate.  Despite attempts by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), and others to position earned citizenship as an “extreme” position, the opposite is the case – the burgeoning push for “no citizenship” is the outlier position, outside... Continuar »
There’s been intense backlash against creating what Talking Point Memo’s Josh Marshall calls “second class non-citizenship status” — the idea from some House Republicans to prevent citizenship for undocumented immigrants. The consensus across the spectrum is that the path to citizenship is, in fact, the “middle ground.” New York... Continuar »
By Maribel Hastings, Senior Advisor at America’s Voice The House Judiciary Committee’s first hearing on immigration reform clarified that many Republicans are opposed to a clear path to citizenship. Even Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) identified the “question of the day” as whether there was a third way between... Continuar »
Here’s the press release from UWD: Today, on a telephonic press conference, immigrant youth leaders with United We Dream released 20 specific policy principles for immigration reform, laying out a common-sense agenda for change and demanding a path to citizenship in less than 7 years without any unreasonable or unfair requirements.  As the... Continuar »
Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice WASHINGTON,   DC –   La primera audiencia del panel Judicial  de la Cámara  Baja sobre la reforma migratoria dejó en claro la oposición republicana a una clara vía a la ciudadanía e incluso el presidente del panel, Bob Goodlatte (R-VA),... Continuar »
During the House Judiciary Committee immigration hearing yesterday, Republicans’ attempted to define a policy that offers undocumented immigrants “legal residency but not a path to citizenship” as the “middle-ground option in the debate over immigration” according to the New York Times.  Judiciary Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) asked, “Are there options we... Continuar »
From January 30th-February 3rd, 2013, Langer Research Associates conducted a poll of 1,038 adults for the Washington Post and ABC News. The poll has a margin of error of +/-3.5%. A majority of Americans favor a path to citizenship. 55 percent of respondents said they supported a path to citizenship... Continuar »
During the House Judiciary Committee immigration hearing yesterday, Republicans’ attempted to define a policy that offers undocumented immigrants “legal residency but not a path to citizenship” as the “middle-ground option in the debate over immigration” according to the New York Times.  Judiciary Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) asked, “Are... Continuar »