Eloisa Haynes wants nothing more than to be a US citizen and build her life with her husband in Texas. But because of one small mistake when she was undocumented, her chance at citizenship is in question. Just a few months ago, Eloisa was excited about finally being able to apply for... Continue »
Outside of a few right-wing outlets, like National Review, Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions doesn’t have a lot of allies in his quest to stop immigration reform these days. This week, he took to the airwaves in Boston to spew his vitriol about immigrants and immigration with notorious radio host... Continue »
Former Senator and current Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint appears set to launch a new attack on immigration reform in the hopes of derailing it entirely.  Just like he used his super PAC to keep Republicans in the dark ages and out of power in the Senate, — thanks... Continue »
Today, America’s Voice Education Fund and other political and policy experts held the tenth in a series of weekly “Office Hours” press briefings.  Each week, a different and diverse group of speakers from a range of backgrounds shares the latest information on the players, politics, legislation and developments as... Continue »
Setting the State for Senate Judiciary Mark-Up: New Poll Shows Republicans Need to Produce Results Not Rhetoric; CAP Analyzes the Numbers Behind the Senate Bill Today, America’s Voice Education Fund and other political and policy experts held the tenth in a series of weekly “Office Hours” press briefings.  Each... Continue »
Cross-posted at Latino Decisions, Latino Vote Matters, and Daily Kos: Recent elections demonstrate that immigration is a mobilizing issue for Latino voters. We can be sure that Congressional action, or inaction, on the current comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) bill will factor in to Latino voting decisions in 2014 and beyond. Our recent polling finds... Continue »
The Wall Street Journal today editorializes against the recycled “border security first” talking points emanating from some conservatives who are intent to attack the progress and momentum behind immigration reform legislation in the U.S. Senate. According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund: This is a... Continue »
Politico: Marco Rubio: Right must ‘lead’ on immigration By Katie Glueck The Hill: McCain sees support among House Republicans for immigration bill By Daniel Strauss Patch: Sen. Ron Johnson Open to Path to Citizenship for Undocumented Immigrants By Adam McCoy ABC News: In Mexico, President Obama Says Immigration Reform... Continue »
Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid appeared at an immigration reform rally in Las Vegas. He has for years been an outspoken advocate for immigration reform — and made that clear again yesterday: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., promised Wednesday to use the power of his office to get immigration... Continue »
New polling from the New York Times/CBS News finds that “83 percent of respondents said they supported a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants already in the country illegally, as long as certain requirements — like paying fines and back taxes, passing a criminal-background check and learning... Continue »