Federal legislation to improve the nation’s immigration system is taking a step forward this week, when the Senate Gang of 8 immigration bill goes into markup, but advocates today are reminding President Obama of the high cost of strict immigration enforcement and what he can do to alleviate the... Continue »
GLOBAL STRATEGY GROUP/BASEWOOD RESEARCH (May 6) 71% of voters support an immigration reform package that resembles the Senate plan… 71% of voters support a package including a path to citizenship, increased border security, increased worker immigration and employer verification requirement. …including 74% of “conservative Republicans” and 67% of swing... Continue »
Today, over 100 high profile artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers, comedians, directors, producers, and performers are joining the growing movement for immigration reform, and  calling on President Obama and Congress to pass legislation with a pathway to citizenship. Members of the creative community who are speaking out for humane reform... Continue »
New York Times: G.O.P. Opponents Plan Immigration Bill Attack By Ashley Parker Reuters: Former Senator DeMint takes center stage in immigration debate By Caren Bohan Washington Post: On immigration legislation, fissures emerge within conservative ranks By David Nakamura Huffington Post: Heritage Immigration Report Predicts Huge Cost, Draws Ire By... Continue »
Really?  DeMint, Sessions and Krikorian the Face of the GOP opposition?  As the Senate’s bipartisan Gang of 8 immigration bill moves toward markup later this week in the Senate Judiciary Committee, immigration reform opponents are increasingly public and vocal. Current Heritage Foundation president and former Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC),... Continue »
Now that you’re familiar with the members of the bipartisan Senate Gang of Eight, get ready to meet the Senate “Gang of Hate.” With the Senate immigration mark-up set to kick off this week, new profiles by America’s Voice Education Fund shed light on key immigration reform opponents in the Senate... Continue »
America’s Voice Education Fund Sheds Light on Senate Immigration Reform Opponents and their Anti-Immigrant “Brain Trust” Now that you’re familiar with the members of the bipartisan Senate Gang of Eight, get ready to meet the Senate “Gang of Hate.” With the Senate immigration mark-up set to kick off this... Continue »
New York Times: Obama’s Defender of Borders Is Again a Voice for Migrants By Michael Shear Reuters: Lawmakers struggle over guest workers in immigration bill By Caren Bohan Politico: Senators to offer changes to immigration bill By Seung Min Kim The Hill: Immigration reform faces Senate gauntlet, uncertain House... Continue »
 SEN. JEFF SESSIONS (R-AL) “All our staff has been working for days trying to decipher this gobbledygook. And I’m told that you read it two, three times, and you get a different insight each time you read it.” – Senator Sessions about Gang of 8 Immigration Bill, Senate Judiciary... Continue »
There’s the Senate “Gang of Hate“—and there’s their “brain trust” (or what we like to call their “drain trust”).  These are the guys that supply them with so many of their ideas about immigrants and the restrictionist fantasy knowns as “self-deportation.”  Meet some of the anti-immigrant nativists who are... Continue »