Tens of thousands of people showed up on April 10th for the Time is Now “Rally for Citizenship” in Washington DC. The rally, which was put together by SEIU, the Center for Community Change and CASA de Maryland with the support of the Alliance for Citizenship brought together people... Continue »
Associated Press: Immigration Bill Could Exclude Hundreds Of Thousands From Citizenship: Senate Aide By Erica Werner Associated Press: Senate group wraps up details on immigration bill, expects a rollout for measure next week By Erica Werner New York Times: Immigration Bill Is Expected to Open Opportunities Based on Work... Continue »
The following is a press release from the New Democrat Coalition: Today, New Democrat Coalition Chair Ron Kind (WI-03), Vice Chair Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02), Immigration Task Force Chairs Reps. Jared Polis (CO-02), Joaquin Castro (TX-20), and Joe Garcia (FL-26), and other New Dem Members released a framework for... Continue »
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg joined with an all-star lineup of technology leaders and executives today to launch a new bipartisan political advocacy group that advocates for immigration reform, called FWD.us (“forward US”).  The PAC will focus on “comprehensive immigration reform that allows for the hiring of the best... Continue »
Yesterday’s “Time is Now” rally for immigration reform was a huge success, drawing as many as 100,000 immigration activists, advocates, and supporters to the Capitol lawn.  But of course, not everyone there was fighting for immigration. By our count, about 3-5 people weren’t–and they turned out to be pretty... Continue »
Colorado DREAMer Fabian Dominguez wrote a great op-ed in the Denver Post about what the Colorado ASSET bill means to him: Last month, when I sat in the gallery of the state Capitol to see the Colorado ASSET bill finally pass after 10 years of trying, it was one of the... Continue »
New polling from NBC News/Wall Street Journal underscores the fact that an earned path to citizenship is the mainstream position in the immigration debate.  Additionally, yesterday’s jubilant rally on the Capitol lawn demonstrates that the energy and enthusiasm in the debate is also on the side of citizenship. According to Frank... Continue »
New NBC News/WSJ Poll Documents Popularity and Strong Bipartisan Support for Citizenship As Tens of Thousands Energize U.S. Capitol Grounds on Behalf of Real Reform New polling from NBC News/Wall Street Journal underscores the fact that an earned path to citizenship is the mainstream position in the immigration debate. ... Continue »
With the introduction of House and Senate immigration bills imminent, new developments this week continue to showcase the broad public consensus and enthusiasm behind passing common sense immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. As a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll and a jubilant rally at the U.S.... Continue »
The big news of today: yesterday’s massive rally for immigration reform on the Capitol lawn, the upcoming Senate immigration legislation, and a new NBC/WSJ poll finding that a clear majority–64% of respondents–support immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. NBC News: Awaiting Senate bill, reformers push for immigration action... Continue »