Bustle: Immigration Reform Put on the Back Burner as White House and Congress Continue to Debate Syria By Lane Floresheim Associated Press: House Chairman Pledges Action on Immigration By Erica Werner Politico: Bob Goodlatte backs ‘earned’ citizenship for DREAMers By Seung Min Kim NBC Latino: House Republican leader lays... Continue »
The following is a blog post cross-posted from Latino Decisions: According to polling data from the Field Poll, after winning the presidential election in 1980, California native Ronald Reagan raised his share of the Latino vote from 35 percent to 45 percent in 1984 while carrying 59 percent of... Continue »
It’s Hispanic Heritage month, and one faction of the House GOP is busy putting out videos trying to cover up the fact that it has taken no action on immigration reform legislation that would help the 11 million.  A second faction is waving the “hell, no!” flag and is trying... Continue »
Hispanic Heritage Month continues, and the GOP still doesn’t get it. After a video that House Republicans released earlier this week was mocked across the internet for its vague platitudes and tone-deafness, RNC Chairman Reince Preibus is now witlessly jumping into the fray. Earlier this year, the RNC portmortem report... Continue »
Today at the Hill, United We DREAM Managing Director Cristina Jimenez wrote this piece on the SAFE Act–or as it’s also called, the unSAFE Act, and how it criminalizes immigrants rather than addressing the 11 million.  Read the op-ed below or at this link: Supporters of humane immigration reform overwhelmingly... Continue »
Last night, House Democrats held a special order session in honor of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, where they took to the floor to speak about the economic and moral benefits of passing immigration reform with a path to citizenship. The session echoed a similar event in July, also... Continue »
Washington Post: Obama comment on immigration draws anger, frustration By David Nakamura NBC Latino: Activists arrested after Obama nixes stopping deportations By Sandra Lilley and Suzanne Gamboa McClatchy Newspapers: Obama playing it low key in immigration push By Anita Kumar Fox News Latino: GOP Chairman: It’s Not Just What... Continue »
In a move widely condemned as unnecessary, vengeful, and vindictive, Jan Brewer’s Arizona this week announced that it would no longer issue driver’s licenses to immigrants who receive deferred action. Last year, on the very day that President Obama’s deferred action for DREAMers / DACA program began, Jan Brewer... Continue »
A report yesterday from the Office for the Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Homeland Security revealed that US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has been keeping such poorly detailed and incomplete records that it is impossible to identify the number of excessive force allegations lodged against the... Continue »
This morning, seven undocumented immigrants were arrested in front of the White House during a protest of the Obama administration’s deportation policy. Here’s the message the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, which organized today’s protest, sent out before the action began: Last night the President told Telemundo that reducing deportations... Continue »