Last Saturday, Connecticut DREAMers from CT Students for a DREAM (C4D) rallied at the State Capitol in Hartford in support of equal access to financial aid for the state’s undocumented youth. Connecticut DREAMers won in-state tuition in 2011, but only five states in the nation (California, Minnesota, New Mexico,... Continue »
Elizabeth, an Ohio mom of two young children, bravely served her country for ten years in the U.S. Military and was honorably discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps. But in 2010, her country thanked her by deporting her husband, Marcos. A heart-wrenching new video about Elizabeth’s story highlights the... Continue »
To: Interested Parties From: Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Date:  April 2015 Re: 2016 Republicans and Immigration – What They Say, What They Mean, & Why it Matters Updated April 8, 2015 +View the PDF As the 2016 presidential cycle kicks into higher gear, the emerging Republican... Continue »
Last updated: February 12, 2015 Examining a range of recent polling and public opinion research on immigration finds a few consistent takeaways: On executive action: A majority of the American public backs the president’s executive actions on immigration, while simultaneously opposing Republican attempts to block or overturn the step... Continue »
The Best/Worst of Maricopa County’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio Maricopa County’s infamous Sheriff Joe Arpaio – aka the “most expensive Sheriff in America,” or “America’s meanest and most corrupt politician” — is currently suing President Obama over executive action for immigrants. Sheriff Arpaio should worry about his own legal problems... Continue »
As prepared for delivery: My fellow Americans, tonight, I’d like to talk with you about immigration. For more than 200 years, our tradition of welcoming immigrants from around the world has given us a tremendous advantage over other nations.  It’s kept us youthful, dynamic, and entrepreneurial.  It has shaped our... Continue »
An important editorial at the Washington Post highlights the steps that the Border Patrol is slowly taking to reform its operations, which have come under scrutiny for use of excessive force.  This is important, and necessary, considering that Border Patrol has made headlines for shooting at kids who throw rocks and stepping... Continue »
We know we’re winning the fight for President Obama to take executive action on immigration, but we wanted to hear directly from people affected why the President should act — and we ended up receiving hundreds of submissions from all across the country. We’re still reading through them, but they... Continue »
Two years ago today, DREAMers across America lined up for blocks to begin applying for deferred action (DACA), the program which today gives half million young immigrants protection from deportation, a work permit and the ability to pursue the American Dream, mobility via driver’s licenses, and much more.  Two years later,... Continue »
Research Finds Anti-immigrant Ads Don’t Mobilize White voters, But Do Mobilize Latino Voters While it is no longer breaking news that Republicans have rejected their own post-2012 consensus to rebrand their image to Latino voters and reposition themselves on immigration policy, the rationale behind the GOP’s decision to ignore... Continue »