The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, reacting to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) scoring of the Senate’s immigration bill: The CBO score shows that there are now 197 billion reasons for Congress to do the right thing and pass immigration reform this year,...
Congratulations, Jeff Sessions–you got your wish! For weeks now, the junior Senator from Alabama — and leading anti-immigrant voice in the Senate — has been complaining about the upcoming Congressional Budget Office score for the Senate Gang of 8 bill. The CBO usually scores a bill for 10 years,...
This afternoon, the House Judiciary Committee is continuing their markup of the SAFE Act (known on twitter as #HATEAct), which is already the worst anti-immigrant bill in recent history. (View the press conference denouncing it here.) Rep. Steve King (R-IA), however, apparently just can’t help himself: King just attempted to...
Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice: WASHINGTON, DC – El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, John Boehner, republicano de Ohio, se reunirá mañana miércoles con la bancada latina del Congreso (CHC, por su sigla en inglés) para discutir el espinoso tema de la reforma migratoria amplia...
This week, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has begun to talk tough about how he plans to move immigration through the House—with a majority of the majority, he says, and no violation of the Hastert rule. At a closed-door meeting with conservatives today and a press conference after, Boehner...
House Members, DREAMers & National Immigration Leaders Denounce the SAFE Act Leaders Call on the House to Get Behind Real Immigration Reform with Citizenship at the Heart Washington, DC – Today, the House Judiciary Committee began marking-up a new immigration bill, HR 2278, introduced by Rep. Trey Gowdy and...
National Journal reports that anti-immigrant House members are asking why Republicans should pass legislation that would give citizenship to “11 million undocumented Democrats.” This fear of citizenship – and future voting behavior – courses through much of the immigration debate and underscores many Republican amendments designed to make the...
El director del Servicio de Inmigración y Aduanas de Estados Unidos (ICE), Jonn Morton, anunció hoy la renuncia a su cargo que será efectiva a fines de julio, informaron fuentes oficiales. Morton, quien enfrentó críticas de grupos pro-inmigrantes por las cifras récord de deportaciones durante su gestión, trabajará en...
La Corte Suprema invalidó ayer una ley del estado de Arizona que exigía dar pruebas de ciudadanía, antes de registrarse para votar. Un legislador en el Congreso intentarán revivir la propuesta a nivel federal. El caso titulado “Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council” registró un voto 7-2. Con esto, el...