While the White House is pushing an immigration reform bill with a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, it is also advancing executive actions and policy changes to bring an end to some of the most onerous practices of the Trump presidency, including the detention of children and families....

Reuniting Families Ripped Apart by Trump’s Depravity is Vital This afternoon President Biden will sign three new Executive Orders on immigration. These three EOs are in addition to the six executive orders, two DHS memos, and the sweeping legislative proposal announced on day one. Below are four key points...

Latest Family Separation Report a Reminder that Broad Majority of Americans Sharply Reject Trump’s Nativism See Related Data from American Election Eve Poll at: https://electioneve2020.com/ Jacob Soboroff and Julia Ainsley of NBC continue to report on horrifying new details related to family separation. The total number of separated...

Oct 29, 2020
New House Judiciary Committee Report on family separation concludes policy has been “marked by reckless incompetence and intentional cruelty” The Biden-Harris campaign has released a powerful new ad today on family separation. It is morally the right thing to do. It also signals a remarkable shift in the immigration...

Family separations, one of the darkest chapters of Trump’s or any other presidency, is back in the headlines. NBC reported that at least 545 children remain separated from parents who cannot be located, and Kristen Welker brought it up in the presidential debate. We chronicle just some of the...

Oct 23, 2020
On kids separated from parents, Trump: “They are so well taken care of.” Biden: “It violates every notion of who we are as a nation. It’s criminal.” In response to the immigration questions at last night’s debate, Donald Trump revealed who he is and what his administration is about....

Trump’s infamous family separation policy is still haunting us, and after new court documents revealed that the parents of 545 children that have still not been united with their children and are unable to be located, leaders and observers are rightfully outraged. In a statement by Vice President Joe...

Every new revelation about Trump’s family separation policy confirms why it is one of the worst human rights atrocities committed by our government in modern American history. It cries out for action on two fronts: 1) a government-led effort to do everything possible to reunite and support the families...

Oct 15, 2020
“At a bare minimum, let’s hold those who commit wicked deeds in our names and with our tax dollars accountable in the 2020 election” Stunning. During the Senate Judiciary Hearings, Amy Coney Barrett refused to denounce Trump’s family separation policy that has ripped more than 5,500 children away...

Frank Sharry: “Our nation will not heal from the moral depravity of Trumpism unless and until we face up to what we as a nation have done.” A horrifying New York Times report on draft findings from the Inspector General of the Department of Justice reveals that DOJ...