Frank Sharry reacts to new family separation policy Yesterday Attorney General Jeff Sessions and DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen announced a “zero tolerance” border policy that will result in adults being separated from their children and prosecuted criminally. This is a radical expansion of a strategy that this administration has... Continue »
The Los Angeles Times editorial board weighs in on the disturbing announcement from Jeff Sessions and the Trump Administration yesterday that will result in the purposeful separation of parents from their children. Read excerpts of the LA Times editorial below, “What kind of country would tear apart and lock up families fleeing violence in... Continue »
The President of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Dr. Colleen Kraft, published an op-ed in today’s Los Angeles Times stating, “The government’s practice of separating children from their parents at the border counteracts every science-based recommendation I have ever made to families who seek to build, and not harm, their... Continue »
Maria Sacchetti of The Washington Post is reporting that the “The nation’s top immigration and border officials are urging Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to detain and prosecute all parents caught crossing the Mexican border illegally with their children, a stark change in policy that would result in the separation of families that... Continue »
A recording of today’s call is available here The latest report on the border shows more inhumane actions taken by Customs and Border Protection (CBP), with CBP intentionally separating families “as a way to deter migrants from coming here.” On a press call, experts and advocates discussed the effects these types of... Continue »
In an alarming new piece, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof dissects Trump’s intentionally cruel immigration policies. As he concludes, “I don’t believe in open borders, and immigration policy is complex and difficult. Yet Trump isn’t making hard decisions but unconscionable ones. I am the son of a refugee myself, a beneficiary of... Continue »
On Friday evening, Caitlin Dickerson of the New York Times reported on disturbing new details of how the Trump Administration separated hundreds of children from their parents as part of an effort to deter those fleeing violence from seeking asylum in the U.S. Confirming the worst fears of advocates and observers, the article... Continue »