Oct 31, 2024
Election Preview Part 1 – Ad Spending, the Battle for Congress, and Ballot Measures Donald Trump has made the defense of his campaign’s strategy to go all in on aggressive and ugly nativism a part of his stump speech in the closing month of the campaign. “It’s bigger than...
Bill Introduction Is Cynical Politics, Not Good Faith Legislation Washington, DC – Yesterday, South Florida Republican Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar introduced immigration legislation titled “The Dignity Act,” which we characterized as “a press release aimed at immigrant voters in her Florida district … designed to burnish her re-election chances,...
America’s Voice reacts to Rep. Salazar immigration bill Washington, DC – Today, South Florida Republican Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar introduced immigration legislation titled “The Dignity Act.” Her office describes the proposal as a “reasonable and compassionate approach” that “will finally fix an immigration system that has been broken for...
Washington, DC – Below is a column by Maribel Hastings from America’s Voice en Español translated to English from Spanish. The stagnation of measures in the Senate designed to protect the right to vote in his country is another reminder that, without action on this issue, it’s very difficult...
El estancamiento en el Senado de las medidas destinadas a proteger el derecho al voto en este país es otro recordatorio de que, sin acción en este frente, es muy difícil que puedan avanzar legislaciones en otros rubros, incluyendo inmigración y cambio climático. La lógica es simple y complicada...
“He was a practical man who made his decisions with his feet on the ground, but he always also followed his conscience,” says former senior advisor to Harry Reid, José Parra Washington, DC – Former senior advisor to Sen. Harry Reid and longtime colleague of America’s Voice José Parra has...
Washington, DC — A letter from Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and 32 Senate Colleagues urges the Biden Administration to expand Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to protect vulnerable Central Americans from deportation to unsafe conditions. As the COVID-19 crisis continues to rage and...
Read New Medium Piece by Frank Sharry HERE Washington, DC – In a new Medium piece, “Fighting for American Democracy Includes Fighting for a Pro-Immigrant America,” America’s Voice Executive Director Frank Sharry notes that “as we reach the one year anniversary of the deadly insurrection on the U.S. Capitol,...
Nov 23, 2021
Sometimes downtrodden, other times moderately hopeful, the much-delayed immigration reform has been, in contemporary U.S. history, an episode of highs and lows that, if it did not carry with it the lives of millions of human beings, would be nothing more than a minor, anecdotal blip in history. But...
Washington, DC – Below is a column by David Torres from America’s Voice en Español translated in English and Spanish. Sometimes downtrodden, other times moderately hopeful, the much-delayed immigration reform has been, in contemporary U.S. history, an episode of highs and lows that, if it did not carry with...