In a new piece on, Matt Hildreth, the Iowa based Director of Online Programs for America’s Voice and Director of Iowa’s Voice, offers a fresh take on the role of immigration in this year’s caucus and the implications this role will have for candidates of both parties in the... Continue »
Last January, I wrote that immigration hardliners like Steve King were making the Iowa Republican Caucuses irrelevant. Well, I was wrong — sort of. The demographics (not to mention the conservative ideology) of Iowa Republican caucus goers make it hard for Republican candidates to win both the Iowa caucus... Continue »
Rep. Luis Gutiérrez and a coalition of groups want to get one million new citizens naturalized this year to vote against ugly anti-Latino, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim rhetoric. In past years that may have been a pretty lofty number, but recent offensive comments from Republicans have galvanized Latinos and immigrant across the nation to launch... Continue »
As we noted yesterday, a report has noted that while the number of eligible Latino voters is 40 percent higher in 2016 than in 2008, our voting muscle remains undermobilized. However, more and more evidence is showing that Latinos are becoming energized thanks to help from the unlikeliest of... Continue »
Trump Inspires Latinos to Vote
Iowa Latinos participated in a silent protest and voter registration event in response to Donald Trump’s campaign stop in Marshalltown, Iowa yesterday, where he eagerly received an endorsement from notorious Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Immigrant activists preparing to protest the Trump/Joe Arpaio rally in Marshalltown. — Kate... Continue »
A recent report from Pew Research documented the growing power of the Latino electorate, finding that the number of eligible Latino voters is 40% higher in 2016 than it was in 2008.  The report also found that Latino voting power remains under-mobilized, with turnout rates among eligible Latino voters lagging nearly 20 percentage... Continue »
As GOP Anti-Immigrant Politics Ratchets Up: Number of Undocumented Immigrants Declines; Latino Opinion of GOP Tanks; and Number of Latino Voters Rises One of the dominant storylines of the Republicans’ 2016 presidential primary campaign has been the ascendance of anti-immigrant policy and rhetoric. Donald Trump’s attempt to mainstream hate and racism... Continue »
Latino Decisions and America’s Voice to Examine Latino Influence and Immigration Politics in Competitive Senate Races Washington, DC – As 2015 draws to a close and all eyes focus in on the official start of primary season, America’s Voice and Latino Decisions announced, today, a new 2016 Senate project... Continue »
Latin musical powerhouses Maná and Los Tigres del Norte sent a powerful message to Latino voters last night. Moments after concluding their duet performance of the song “Somos Mas Americanos” (We Are More American), the bands came together to raise a white sign that asked Latinos to stand united... Continue »
Over a half a million people asked Saturday Night Live to dump Donald Trump as host, but if you stomached this weekend’s show then you know Lorne Michaels went through with Trump’s appearance and the show was an utter disaster! After watching Trump on SNL, it was clear that the #RacismIsntFunny activists... Continue »