New York Times: Failure of Gun Legislation Shadows Immigration Bill By Jennifer Steinhauer Associated Press: Obama To Pitch Immigration Overhaul In Mexico Washington Post: Immigration to be part of Obama’s trip to Mexico By Zachary Goldfarb and Nick Miroff Washington Post (The Fix): Why is immigration going so much... Continue »
Fresh off their success calling out Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and his longtime failure to support immigration reform, Cesar Vargas and the crew at DRM Capitol Group are now going after Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL).  Teaming up with Alabama DREAMer Victor Palafox, Palafox and Vargas are taking to Sessions’... Continue »
We have discovered the quickest, most effective way for you to influence Congress and help pass immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million Americans currently living in the US without papers. Writing a letter to the editor is the most effective way for you to reach your member of Congress.  We’ve created... Continue »
One desperate tactic in the playbook of those who oppose immigration reform has been to try and split the coalition of supporters, by pitting immigrants and African Americans against each other.  Nativists have tried time and time again to paint the specter of immigrants taking jobs away from African... Continue »
Now that the process of immigration reform is in full swing (markup for the Senate bill will start next week, and a House bill is expected soon), the anti-immigrant nativists have been out and about trying to kill the bill any way they can.  The Center for Immigration Studies,... Continue »
Yesterday, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) stated that the best arguments to convince his Republican colleagues to support immigration reform were political in nature: “if we don’t do this, we can’t begin the conversation with our Hispanic voters, and all you have to do is the math.  Do the math... Continue »
The Hill: Advocates dig in for immigration fight By Russell Berman Politico: Marco Rubio: Gang of Eight’s immigration bill can’t pass the House By Seung Min Kim Los Angeles Times: John McCain, Arnold Schwarzenegger talk immigration reform at USC By Cindy Chang Huffington Post: John McCain On Immigration: Republicans... Continue »
The following is a cross-posted press release from the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), Immigrant Justice Network (IJN), Mi Familia Vota (MFV), National Immigrant Law Center (NILC), and U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB): As the Senate Judiciary Committee begins work to amend the Senate... Continue »
Yesterday, speaking with New Orleans radio talk show host Garland Robinette, Mark Krikorian, head of the anti-immigrant think tank Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and the intellectual author of the “self-deportation” strategy, offered a fresh reminder why Latino voters have rejected candidates and parties who listen to him. According... Continue »