The headline from The Wall Street Journal says it all: “Texas ‘floating border wall’ fails to deter migrants.” The article details how the floating saw blades illegally installed in the Rio Grande as part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s multi-billion dollar Operation Lone Star scheme have failed to block desperate... Continue »
Es de anticiparse que en los retorcidos tiempos en que nos ha tocado vivir, la sentencia de 22 años al exlíder de los Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, por conspiración sediciosa tras el asalto al Capitolio el 6 de enero de 2021, provoque que el grupo extremista sume seguidores y... Continue »
The first Republican Presidential primary debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, hosted by Fox News channel, won’t be a regular debate about agendas to improve the country but a forum of extremist rhetoric and conspiracy theories. Six years ago, Trump flung open the door of the GOP to the racists and... Continue »
El expresidente Donald J. Trump no estuvo presente en el primer debate de los aspirantes a la nominación presidencial republicana 2024 en Milwaukee, Wisconsin, pero el precandidato favorito de la base republicana dictó el tono del evento porque controla al Partido Republicano y a sus rivales como un ventrílocuo... Continue »
El acusado expresidente Donald Trump lanzó su primera campaña presidencial descendiendo por sus doradas escaleras eléctricas y acusando a los inmigrantes mexicanos de ser criminales y violadores. Luego de su victoria en 2016, su administración lanzó una andanada de ataques contra las comunidades inmigrantes en Estados Unidos, incluyendo la... Continue »
Indicted former President Donald Trump launched his first presidential campaign by descending his golden escalators and calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. Following his victory in 2016, his administration launched a barrage of attacks on immigrant communities across the U.S., including rescinding the popular and successful Deferred Action for... Continue »
Former President Donald Trump launched his first presidential campaign in June 2015 by descending his golden escalators and accusing Mexican immigrants of being criminals and rapists. Trump would again and again push the debunked and tired narrative that immigrants bring crime throughout his presidency, including establishing the widely-condemned Victims... Continue »
•El nacionalismo blanco está al centro de la plataforma migratoria de Ron DeSantis •Su ley antiinmigrante en Florida entra en vigor este sábado •Han transcurrido 10 años del plan de reforma migratoria que no pasó del intento America’s Voice · La Semana en Inmigración – 6.30.23   ►El gobernador... Continue »
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this week unveiled his immigration plan. It’s ugly and extreme,  pushing cruel and deadly proposals that are a reflection of the Republican Party’s race to the bottom on immigration. The recently passed DeSantis anti-immigrant law in Florida is already facing massive blowback from Florida communities... Continue »
A simple vista no parece existir relación alguna entre la ley antiinmigrante SB 1718, que entra en vigor en Florida el 1o de julio, y el décimo aniversario de la aprobación en el Senado del proyecto S. 744, el último intento de impulsar una reforma migratoria que luego pereció... Continue »