For regular readers, the events of this week likely did not come as a surprise. Trump and, more importantly, the gang of nativist ideologues he empowered around him, have begun executing their radical reimaging of America viewed through the prism of the white nationalist great replacement theory. Just as... Continue »
Conspiratorial lies about immigrants to justify voter suppression and intimidation while building the foundation to violently contest the election results are core to the GOP’s ‘24 campaign. After losing the election in 2020, Donald Trump and his allies cultivated the Big Lie that the election had been stolen as... Continue »
Borderland communities and advocates were on high alert over the weekend as the hard-right Take Our Border Back events, which garnered national attention following Governor Greg Abbott’s increasing escalation against the federal government, concluded near Eagle Pass, Texas. “Other convoys this week reached the border in Yuma, Ariz., and... Continue »
Read New America’s Voice Blog Post: “The Insurrection on January 6, the Great Replacement Theory, and the Ongoing Threat to Democracy” Washington, DC — In a new blog post posted online, “The Insurrection on January 6, the Great Replacement Theory, and the Ongoing Threat to Democracy,” America’s Voice details... Continue »
On January 6, 2021, after losing his reelection bid, President Donald Trump directed a mass of his radicalized supporters – who had been gorging on bigoted conspiracies that he helped legitimize for the last several years – to the U.S. Capitol in a last-ditch effort to overturn the election... Continue »
Former President Donald Trump launched his first presidential campaign in June 2015 by descending his golden escalators and accusing Mexican immigrants of being criminals and rapists. Trump would again and again push the debunked and tired narrative that immigrants bring crime throughout his presidency, including establishing the widely-condemned Victims... Continue »