Immigration polling from America's Voice.
Frank Sharry: “Whether through or around the parliamentarian, Democrats need to keep their promise to deliver on citizenship.” Washington, DC – New bipartisan battleground state and district polling finds overwhelming support for delivering a pathway to citizenship in the budget reconciliation process. The polling was conducted for the American... Continue »
Through Reconciliation, Democrats in Congress gear up to deliver on behalf of Dreamers, TPSers, farm workers and other essential workers Washington, DC – Democrats from across the spectrum are consolidating their position and gearing up to deliver citizenship for millions of immigrants as part of their larger Build Back... Continue »
Reconciling is in style. In Congress, budget reconciliation is at the center of the debate, as a mechanism to advance legislation through a simple majority, rather than with the sixty votes needed to overcome a filibuster in the face of zero Republican collaboration. And, there is a real effort... Continue »
Washington, DC – Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) appeared on Fox News yesterday, hyping fears over the border and warning that the “crisis is about to get a lot worse” if Democrats “include a massive amnesty” in the upcoming budget reconciliation bill.  Expect to hear a lot more of this... Continue »
If Donald Trump’s Republican Party is engaged in a full-frontal assault on democracy, against minorities’ right to vote, and against the protection of this right for their own citizens, can anyone expect, then, that they would want to legalize millions of undocumented immigrants, especially if said legalization confers the... Continue »
Frank Sharry: “Democrats want to build back better. Republicans want to tear down Democrats…Blow past the rightwing noise machine and get it done, Democrats.” Yesterday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told the truth. He  declared, “100% of my focus is on stopping this new administration.” Earlier, Senator John... Continue »
Greg Sargent: “Does anybody imagine there will come a point when Republicans will say, ‘Okay, Biden’s totally got the border under control now, so let’s get serious about working with Democrats on legalizing a lot of immigrants’?” The idea of using reconciliation as a vehicle for enacting long overdue... Continue »
How many times can the Democrats trip over the same stumbling block when it comes to immigration? How long will they allow Republican anti-immigrant extremists to intimidate them, to the point of forgetting that a majority of the population and a majority of the people who vote for them... Continue »
Frank Sharry: “Mr. President, this is the year, now is the time, the power is in your hands. Let’s join together to get this done.”   This Politico story is important: Biden’s open to doing immigration through reconciliation, Hispanic lawmakers say. …During Tuesday’s meeting, members of the CHC asked... Continue »
President Biden and Democrats are going big, delivering results, and changing lives. Meanwhile, Republicans are stoking fear and furiously trying to distract from the Democrats’ successes and to scuttle progress by deploying strategic racism.  As Biden signs the American Rescue Plan COVID-19 package into law and charts an ambitious... Continue »