Profiled on the front page of today’s Washington Post print edition is Rep. Joe Heck (R-NV), And, he’s getting that kind of attention for one reason: immigration: This is an immigration crossroads, where demographics and ideology collide, and because of this, Heck may be one of the few Republicans... Continue »
The Huffington Post: Republicans Who Back Immigration Reform More Likely To Win Latino Vote: Poll Hullabaloo by David Atkins: Republicans will become more racist, not less DailyKos by Markos Moulitsas: Whites are the only important demo for Republicans … if they want to keep losing Politico By Seung Min Kim: SEIU,... Continue »
Nicole Belle at Crooks and Liars is calling out the hypocrisy and flip-flopping of Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who sits on the House Judiciary Committee and chairs the House Immigration Subcommittee, appeared on FOX this weekend to talk to John Roberts about immigration reform in the House. Nicole captures the... Continue »
Ah, Sarah Palin. This weekend, she was in an uproar over the immigration bill that just passed the Senate.  She is just outraged about the path to citizenship. But here’s the thing: in 2008, she strongly supported a pathway to citizenship. It’s all captured in an article from Buzzfeed’s... Continue »
On the one hand, the Republican National Committee (RNC) recognizes the need to pass immigration reform in order to engage with Latinos, Asians and other immigrant communities.  They even released an outreach report earlier this year in which the sole policy recommendation was supporting immigration reform. On the other... Continue »
Yesterday, the Senate voted on the Corker/Hoeven “border surge” amendment.  As our Executive Director Frank Sharry noted:  The Corker-Hoeven border security amendment is terrible public policy and a bitter pill to swallow.  It would waste billions of dollars on useless border fencing and an excessive number of border patrol agents,... Continue »
Wednesday night, you may have seen this tweet from Jon Ralston. We sure did: The @LasVegasSun site has been temporarily turned into a huge ad to pressure @SenDeanHeller on immigration. Wow: Wow indeed. — Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) June 19, 2013 Wow indeed. This is what the front page... Continue »
As the second week of debate on the Gang of 8 immigration bill got underway today, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, began his floor speech outlining the week ahead. As he said, “I hope we can make more progress on this vital legislation.” Leahy went... Continue »
This week, the Senate began debate on the immigration reform bill. If you’ve been watching, you’re seeing just how complicated the process in the Senate can be. It’s subject to a lot of delaying tactics and procedural games. As you can imagine, opponents of reform–led by Senator Jefferson Beauregard... Continue »
Today, on the Senate floor, we saw something we hadn’t seen yet in the immigration debate: A Senator actually invoked the Heritage Foundation’s infamous anti-immigrant report. Sure, Rep. Steve King has cited the report, but he’s so extreme we’d expect it from him. But Utah’s Mike Lee seemed unfazed by the controversy... Continue »