English (en español al final de la página): USA Today: How Trump is helping Clinton: Latino mobilization takes shape By Heidi Przybyla Talk Radio News Service: Immigration Activists Blast Paul Ryan By Brittany Gervals Blackstar News (Opinion): Political Suicide: GOP Gives Up On The Hispanic Vote, Again By Maribel... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): Forbes: Donald Trump On SNL: The Final Nail In the Campaign Coffin? By Ellen Killoran   Vox: Republican debate: Donald Trump’s entire immigration performance was a massive flip-flop By Dara Lind NBC News: Mark Zuckerberg’s Immigration Group Calls Mass Deportation ‘Absurd’ By Matthew Deluca... Continue »
Can you imagine packing all of your belongings and moving to a new country? I remember moving to the United States when I was 11 years old. My family left everything they had back in Venezuela in order to give my brothers and I better opportunities, a better education,... Continue »
Pope Francis will personally bless a group of undocumented immigrants and refugees when he visits the United States later this month, reports ABC News: The Sept. 25 encounter with about 150 mostly Spanish-speaking New Yorkers “is about the values and the message that he has articulated as pope,” the... Continue »
A tragic photo of a three-year-old child who washed up on a Turkish beach has struck a nerve around the world and become a symbol of Europe’s refugee crisis. The child, who fled Syria with his family for the safety of Europe, drowned with 11 others when the smuggler commanding... Continue »
I am sad to report, Christian Hervis has been deported back to Mexico. Despite our best effort to keep the Hervis family together, ICE moved ahead and removed Christian without hesitation. His U.S. Citizen wife, Viviana, and his three U.S. Citizen children are distraught – as they learned about... Continue »
Sheriff Joe Arpaio today is asking a federal judge to suspend President Obama’s executive action until a court ruling can be issued on the constitutionality of the action.  In other words, it’s three days before Christmas, and Arpaio is petitioning a federal court for the resumption of deportations that separate families.... Continue »
Below is a release from today’s press call: Children and Families Deserve Fair Hearings & Opportunity to Make Their Case for Protection In the wake of reports that the Obama Administration is speeding up the deportations of children fleeing violence and their families without allowing them to make their... Continue »
It’s not often that the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal editorial boards agree on something, but today the two papers agree that the House GOP votes on immigration this week were foolish and shortsighted.  Here’s an excerpt from the New York Times, entitled “Congress, Unhinged on... Continue »
New PRRI Poll: Americans View Central American Kids Fleeing Violence as Refugees Deserving Full & Fair Proceedings; Sonia Nazario Provides Reminder on “The Daily Show” Why We Must “Do the Right Thing” Take five minutes to read this poll and watch this TV clip, and you’ll get a sense... Continue »