Can you imagine packing all of your belongings and moving to a new country?
I remember moving to the United States when I was 11 years old. My family left everything they had back in Venezuela in order to give my brothers and I better opportunities, a better education, and a chance at a better life.
Packing up everything and moving to a new place takes courage and for many people, it may mean risking everything – sometimes even their lives.
Right now, thousands of families are fleeing war-torn Syria in search of a better life. And while the Obama Administration has pledged to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees next year, you and I know that our country can do better!
The United States must show leadership on this global crisis by allowing an additional 100,000 Syrian refugees to resettle here. This is the number recommended by leading refugee advocacy groups like Refugee Council USA, a coalition of U.S. based organizations dedicated to refugee protection and welcome, and Church World Service.
Call your Member of Congress and ask that they help save the lives of refugees by allowing them to resettle in the United States.
Dial 1-866-353-8991
When you are connected you can say:
“My name is _____ and I support the Obama Administration’s announcement to increase refugee resettlement in 2016, and want the administration to do even more and resettle 100,000 Syrian refugees on top of the annual numbers. In 1980, the U.S. resettled more than 200,000 refugees, and the same is true today as it has been throughout history: people move to make life better for themselves and their families. America should welcome Syrian refugees “
After you’ve called, click here to report back and tell us what your member of Congress said.
While the United States has pledged to increase resettlement numbers over the next two years, a move that will help some families who are fleeing war-torn Syria, there is more that needs to be done. We need the Obama Administration to allow an additional 100,000 Syrian Refugees to resettle here.
You can help enrich our communities, save the lives of families who are fleeing violence and persecution, and encourage our European allies to live up to their refugee protection obligations.
Will you call your Member of Congress at 1-866-353-8991 and help us save the lives of families fleeing war-torn Syria?