Next year’s presidential election means that 2024 is poised to be an incredibly significant – and busy – year for our movement. But before rolling up our sleeves as we head into the new year, we should take a moment to reflect on immigration wins and people-led moments from...

Dec 19, 2019
What happened on immigration in the 2010s? In the last ten years, immigration advocates have fought for immigration reform and DACA and against Trump’s many terrible anti-immigrant policies. Immigrant-led organizations, state-based groups, legal aid organizations, and others have won significant victories while pushing back nativist changes. Here’s a list...

Originally published as a mid-year review on July 28, 2019; updated on December 18, 2019 From the moment Donald Trump descended the Trump Tower escalator to launch his presidential bid in 2015, his attacks on immigrants have been unrelenting. Throughout 2019, the Trump Administration continued its cruel pattern of...

Last week, we fact checked the Trump re-election campaign’s television ad lie that he has “cut illegal immigration in half.” As we noted, the ad compares the Trump record to the Trump record (comparing May 2019 numbers to September 2019 numbers), while relying on the less-than-neutral arbiters of Fox...
The Trump Administration may have continued its all-out anti-immigrant assault throughout 2018, but they were met at every turn by countless courageous individuals who marched in the streets for their immigrant neighbors, voted against xenophobic candidates and campaigns, spoke truth to power, and demanded the Administration treat immigrants with...
The Trump Administration has arguably had no greater effect on policy than it has on U.S. immigration policy. At the end of 2017, we wrote this piece recapping all the alarming ways the Trump White House has gone after immigrants and targeted them for mass deportation during Trump’s first...
Dec 27, 2017
This year marked the beginning of the Trump presidency, and while the new Administration spent much of the year stymied by legislative priorities, Donald Trump has been able to remake the US immigration system in alarming and destructive ways. In his first year alone, between mass deporting immigrant mothers...
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best . . . They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” – Donald Trump, during speech announcing presidential campaign in June 2015 “You think the country is giving us their best people? No ....

More than 41,000 people – our family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues – have been targets of increased immigration enforcement by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In 2017, deportation arrests increased 37.6 percent over the same period in 2016. In his first year, Trump has overhauled immigration enforcement...
Dec 16, 2013
New America’s Voice Blog Posts Recap Highlight Moments and Best Pictures from 2013 Washington, DC – 2013 was a big year for immigration reform. Over the last year, a deep and diverse coalition has come together to fight for immigration legislation that would create a new roadmap to citizenship for 11...