For us, it’s always been first and foremost about the families torn apart or at risk of being torn apart by our nation’s broken immigration system.
Many of these immigrants are oftentimes lumped together in cold statistics, just one of the millions deported in record numbers by the Obama Administration since 2009.
But for us, it’s so much more personal. These are real people, with hopes and dreams for themselves and their families.
That’s why it’s so important to share videos like “Felipe’s Letter to His Sons.” The video, created by Fair Immigration Reform Movement and Reform Immigration FOR America, and narrated by Rep. Luis Gutierrez, tells the story of an immigrant torn from his children and deported to Mexico in 2010.
When Felipe was separated from his family, his three sons were taken away by North Carolina’s foster care system. Sadly, he’s never even been able to meet his youngest child.
The video comes at an important time, as rumors of ICE raids terrorize immigrant communities, DAPA and expanded DACA remain stalled in the courts, and Congress continues to do nothing to finally come up with a humane, permanent solution for our families.
“Through this video, we would like to convey to Americans our humanity and the many ways we contribute and are present in this country as workers, mothers, fathers, and families,” said FIRM spokesperson Kica Matos.
“We have a broken immigration system that is not representative of our nation’s deepest values and we will do everything in our power to get it fixed.
“We cannot and we will not remain silent when our families are living in fear of being separated and sent back to face possible harm, including death.”
Click below to watch “Felipe’s Letter To His Sons.” Then share with your networks and call President Obama at (866) 473-5915 to tell him to stop separating families.