From Day One, the Trump Administration has led a failed immigration strategy driven by their deeply held xenophobic ideology and cynical political ambitions, not guided by the best interests of Americans, our families or our economy. The result — a financial crisis at USCIS that will harm thousands of... Continue »
The Trump administration is proposing a new regulation that all but guts the American asylum system enacted by Congress decades ago, but without a single act by Congress. The American public will have only 30 days to comment on the 161 page draft regulation, cutting in half the customary... Continue »
A recording of the call is available here.   Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries working on the frontlines of the Coronavirus pandemic in California joined immigration advocates earlier today to discuss their critical role in protecting California communities during this crisis even as the Trump administration is trying to... Continue »
“This is a scorched earth policy with Trump and Miller determined to do as much damage as possible on their way out.”   Yesterday, the Trump administration introduced sweeping restrictions to asylum. The intended outcome is to make it virtually impossible for human beings to be granted refuge from... Continue »
By Maribel Hastings and David Torres Only in the twisted era of the Donald Trump presidency would they charge the architect of the most racist and anti-immigrant policies of this administration, advisor Stephen Miller, with writing a speech on race relations, right in the middle of this painful moment... Continue »
*(Unless, of course, it is about white racial unity) In response to reports that President Trump is considering a speech to the nation on race and unity and that advisor Stephen Miller is drafting the speech, we offer the following reminders why Stephen Miller is singularly unfit to write... Continue »
Politico reports: President Donald Trump and his top aides are planning to rev up their campaign machine in the coming days with an aggressive focus on voters’ perceived fears about crime, China and immigration — invoking parts of their successful 2016 strategy as they try to regain ground lost... Continue »
White House Chooses to Hold Dreamers Hostage as DACA Politics Ramp Up   Today, the Supreme Court again delayed announcing its decision on the pending DACA case. Yet several developments relevant to DACA are nonetheless in the news: By 85-13% margin, Americans support Dreamers. A new CBS News poll... Continue »
Monday is another potential Supreme Court decision day that could decide the future of the DACA program for Dreamers. DACA has been life-changing for more than 800,000 people who arrived in the U.S. as children, have grown up as Americans, and are strengthening their communities and workplaces across the... Continue »
Trump hides behind a wall in Washington D.C. while he diverts public funds to build a campaign prop on the border   Nick Miroff’s story in the Washington Post carries the headline “People are sawing through and climbing over Trump’s border wall. Now contractors are being asked for ideas... Continue »