Joseline, 9, and Ariana, 7, are pleading to their President to let them stay in Columbus, Ohio, their home. Their mom, Esmeralda, could be deported by the Obama Administration within a matter of days, even though she’s been in the country for 14 years. With no other family nearby, Joseline, Ariana,... Continue »
Cross-posted at Daily Kos Brigido, dad to two U.S. citizens, could be just a few days away from deportation. He needs your help getting his family back! ICE officials have Brigido in detention on what they allege to be an expedited removal order from over ten years ago. But with an American fiancée, a son, a step-daughter, and... Continue »
Yesterday, Rep. Jeff Denham (CA-10) announced that he’s cosponsoring H.R. 15, the new immigration bill in the House. A big move like that needs a big thanks — so today we sent him a larger-than-life-thank you card, in the form of this banner flown over Modesto, CA today: “Thanks Rep. Denham! #HR15”... Continue »
Did you hear? Big news on immigration today! Latino and Democratic leaders have broken the stalemate in the House and introduced an immigration bill with a roadmap to citizenship for 11 million aspiring Americans! We have a long, tough fight ahead and the bill is far from perfect — but if it passes,... Continue »
The Black American Leadership Alliance’s (BALA) We Are America tour — originally intended by organizers to be a nationwide series of demonstrations against immigration reform — went out with a whimper in Phoenix, Arizona last weekend. Even with a line-up featuring disgraced former Arizona State Senator and SB 1070... Continue »
It’s happening. Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee is meeting to propose edits to the “Gang of Eight’s” immigration bill. For months we’ve known that anti-immigrant legislators would use this opportunity to narrow — or even try to kill — the pathway to citizenship, but now we know how truly ugly some of their proposals are.  You won’t believe... Continue »
Eloisa Haynes wants nothing more than to be a US citizen and build her life with her husband in Texas. But because of one small mistake when she was undocumented, her chance at citizenship is in question. Just a few months ago, Eloisa was excited about finally being able to apply for... Continue »
We have discovered the quickest, most effective way for you to influence Congress and help pass immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million Americans currently living in the US without papers. Writing a letter to the editor is the most effective way for you to reach your member of Congress.  We’ve created... Continue »
In 2010, NCLR found that 43% of immigrants who have the drive and commitment to become fully naturalized citizens cannot due so simply because they do not have the money for it. For months, we’ve been fighting for an inclusive pathway to citizenship for the 11 million aspiring Americans... Continue »
I’m fighting for a path to citizenship so that my family members can have the same opportunities I get as a citizen. What about you? We’re so excited that legislation is finally moving forward, but we have a long fight ahead to improve and protect it. We’ve heard a lot... Continue »