Today, the Department of Justice responded to an orderissued earlier this month by Federal Judge Andrew Hanen in the immigration case under consideration at the U.S. Supreme Court. In a new Medium piece, David Leopold, an immigration attorney and former president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, analyzes the Administration’s response to Judge...
Hemos creído durante mucho tiempo que no podemos darnos el lujo de convertir en algo normal a Donald Trumpy a su peligrosa visión para Estados Unidos, ni permitir que sus nocivas ideas y su estilo personal de hacer campaña se generalicen o sean tratados como una manera típica de hacer...
Sen. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is claiming that Donald Trump will attract Latinos and African-Americans in the upcoming general election — on which planet exactly, Senator? “Donald Trump is going to do better with Hispanics and African Americans,” Sessions claimed. “I am convinced, because he’s talking about things that...
Advocates Call Approach Morally Wrong, Politically Stupid A front page story in the New York Times highlights growing criticism of the Obama Administration for the slow pace in resettling Syrian refugees in America and for its planned raids against Central American refugees. The Times story, by Julie Hirschfeld Davis and titled, “As U.S....
We have long-believed that we cannot afford to normalize Donald Trump and his dangerous vision for America, nor allow his noxious ideas and his fact-free style of campaigning to become mainstreamed or treated as part of politics-as-usual. Over Memorial Day weekend, Trump provided two new examples of his divisive and nativist...

English (en español al final de la página): Reuters: Bashing Trump not enough for Democrats to win Latino vote, advocates warn By Luciana Lopez Reuters: Trump’s San Diego Rally Draws More Than 1,000 Chanting Protesters Associated Press: Donald Trump breaks with nation’s only Latina governor By Morgan Lee New...
English (en español al final de la página): Reuters: Bashing Trump not enough for Democrats to win Latino vote, advocates warn By Luciana Lopez May 27, 2016 Reuters: Trump’s San Diego Rally Draws More Than 1,000 Chanting Protesters May 28, 2016 Associated Press: Donald Trump breaks with nation’s...
Community Leaders from across Florida expressed their disappointment with Senator Marco Rubio’s latest betrayal of the Latino and immigration community, as well as their concern that the spread of Trump style racist, xenophobic, anti-Muslim, and misogynistic rhetoric would spur legislative, and even physical attacks on diverse communities. Rubio implicitly...
Mother Jones has released a video superimposing Donald Trump’s voice over 1960’s footage of African-Americans being beaten and harassed by white Americans during the Civil Rights Movement era. It’s a frightening vision, and a very real comparison — Black protesters have been among the targets of Trump’s fanatics during his...
Por David Leopold. En inglés aquí. Algo está ocurriendo en Texas y es una amenaza a la justicia —que está siendo perpetrada por un Juez Federal de Corte de Distrito. A principios de este mes el juez Andrew Hanen, que preside el ataque del Partido Republicano a las acciones...