Ohio Families One Step Closer To Immigration Relief This is great news.  Finally, Ohio immigrant families and children will have their day in court. In 2014, thousands of Ohioans breathed a sigh of relief when the President announced an expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy... Continue »
Today, the Supreme Court of the United States decided to take up U.S. v Texas– the legal case that has blocked President Obama’s decision to confer protection against deportation and work permits to individuals who are low priority for immigration enforcement. Following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): Washington Times: Trump pulls GOP further right on immigration as Democrats veer left By Stephen Dinan Florida State News: We are Florida: Immigration activists fight harmful bills By Joseph Zeballos Washington Post: Marco Rubio, facing mounting attacks on immigration, hits the... Continue »
Republicans kicked off their first Presidential debate of 2016 just like they finished off 2015: Trying to out-Trump each other in order to suck up to the anti-immigrant crowd that now makes up their base.   One of the most heated moments of the night came from Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz,... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): Wall Street Journal: Republican Debate Defined by Trump-Cruz Clash By Patrick O’Connor, Janet Hook, Beth Reinhard Washington Post: The six big issues in Republicans’ sixth presidential debate By Amber Phillips The Hill: Santorum calls mass deportation a ‘gift’ By Jonathan Swan... Continue »
For us, it’s always been first and foremost about the families torn apart or at risk of being torn apart by our nation’s broken immigration system. Many of these immigrants are oftentimes lumped together in cold statistics, just one of the millions deported in record numbers by the Obama Administration... Continue »
Tomorrow, the U.S. Supreme Court will discuss whether to hear U.S. v Texas – the legal case that has blocked President Obama’s decision to confer protection against deportation and work permits to individuals who are low priority for immigration enforcement.  In anticipation, two new must-read pieces assess what’s at stake and... Continue »
Ahead of Tonight’s GOP Debate in SC, Leading GOP Contenders Propose Mass Deportation or Self-Deportation During this week’s official Republican response to the State of the Union address, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley called on the country to resist “the siren call of the angriest voices” in how we welcome and treat... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): McClatchy:  U.S. decries rising violence in Central America but will continue deportations By Franco Ordonez The Hill: Trump: Our country needs my anger By Lisa Hagen AP: Gov. Haley, Speaker Ryan offer new GOP answer to Trump By Erica Werner NBC... Continue »
La contradicción entre proteger a quienes buscan asilo y deportarlos es profunda El New York Times informa que el gobierno de Obama está trabajando con el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados a fin de establecer un programa de reasentamiento regional en América Central. Esto muestra el reconocimiento de... Continue »