David Leopold, an immigration attorney and former president of The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA),  provided this assessment of the news that the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case on Immigration Executive Action. Crossposted from Leopold’s blog: There are two big takeaways from yesterday’s announcement by the Supreme... Continue »
Political Stakes Couldn’t be Higher For GOP In light of the news that the Supreme Court will hear US v Texas, the case to decide the fate of DAPA/DACA expansion executive action immigration programs, key observers and voices are weighing in.  Below are key assessments and voices making the case... Continue »
On Tuesday, Iowa State University students protested Donald Trump’s campaign event on campus chanting “A vote for Trump is a vote for hate!” and “Love trumps hate.” U.S. Secret Service and Trump campaign officials escorted the group of students out. The ISU Daily captured photos and video of the protest. After... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): USA Today: Supreme Court will rule on President Obama’s immigration plan By Richard Wolf AP: Supreme Court sets election-year clash on immigration AP: Supreme Court will review Obama’s immigration executive actions MSNBC: Supreme Court sets the stage for historic immigration showdown... Continue »
La noticia de que la Suprema Corte de la nación escuchará la apelación del Departamento de Justicia que busca desbloquear las acciones ejecutivas migratorias del presidente Barack Obama revive las esperanzas para millones de familias a través del país. Estas fueron giradas por el mandatario en noviembre de 2014... Continue »
Democratic leaders from Congress, as well as Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, applauded the Supreme Court’s decision today to take up U.S. v. Texas, the legal case that has blocked President Obama’s decision to confer protection against deportation and work permits to millions of immigrant families with deep roots and ties... Continue »
With the announcement today that the Supreme Court will take up the Republican-led and politically-motivated lawsuit against DAPA and the expansion of DACA, Iowa immigrant families and children will finally have their day in court. The implementation of DAPA is in sight, but the fight is far from over.... Continue »
Hoy, la Suprema Corte de los Estados Unidos decidió considerar el caso U.S. v Texas, la demanda legal que ha bloqueado la decisión del presidente Obama de conferir protección contra la deportación y permisos de trabajo a personas que no son prioridad para la aplicación de la ley migratoria.... Continue »
Earlier today, the Supreme Court announced that it will hear arguments on the DAPA and expanded DACA lawsuit. What does this mean exactly? Finally, immigrant families will have their day in court. If the Supreme Court does the right thing and unfreezes DAPA and the DACA expansion, it will... Continue »
Florida Immigrant Families One Step Closer To Relief This is great news. Finally, Florida immigrant families and children will have their day in court. In 2014, thousands of Floridians breathed a sigh of relief when President Obama announced an expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy... Continue »