For immigration advocates, there are two major developments unfolding this month that will define our work in 2016: the upcoming Supreme Court Decision on DAPA and DACA+ and the Obama Administration’s new strategy to raid homes and businesses in order to deport Central Americans who recently came to the... Continue »
It’s sounding like all that heated rhetoric from Republican candidates about an uncontrollable, porous border is turning out to be exactly that — rhetoric. A new study from the Center for Migration Studies has found that the total undocumented immigrant population in the United States declined to 10.9 million... Continue »
Florida’s anti-immigrant legislators are back at work in Tallahassee – and this time they are seeking to further criminalize immigrant families. Two Republican legislators, Florida Representatives Carlos Trujillo (R-Miami) and Larry Metz (R-Yalaha), have introduced legislation that has been inspired by Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant hatred and rhetoric. House Bill... Continue »
Florida’s anti-immigrant legislators are back at work in Tallahassee – and this time they are seeking to further criminalize immigrant families. Two Republican legislators, Florida Representatives Carlos Trujillo (R-Miami) and Larry Metz (R-Yalaha), have introduced legislation that has been inspired by Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant hatred and rhetoric. House Bill... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): Front Page Magazine: High Court To Hear Amnesty Challenge By Matthew Vadum New York Times:  Senate Blocks Bill on Tougher Refugee Screening By Jennifer Steinhauer Wall Street Journal: Senate Democrats Block Bill to Halt Resettling of Iraqi, Syrian Refugees in U.S.... Continue »
Recently, two Arizona reporters seasoned in the nuances of immigration politics–Dan Nowicki and Daniel Gonzalez–headed to Iowa to cover the issue before the state’s first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses.  What they found there may surprise someone who hasn’t spent much time in the state. Northwest Iowa may be “Steve King country” in its largest stereotype, but their articles, published in the Des Moines Register, show that... Continue »
This afternoon Democrats in the U.S. Senate blocked a debate on Republican legislation aimed at stopping the resettlement of Syrians and Iraqis into the United States.  Needing 40 votes to stop the bill, 43 Democratic Senators voted to do just that (all but Senators Manchin and Heitkamp). The following is... Continue »
David Leopold, an immigration attorney and former president of The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA),  provided this assessment of the news that the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case on Immigration Executive Action (also cross posted at America’s Voice here): There are two big takeaways from yesterday’s announcement by the Supreme... Continue »
As the Republican Governors and Attorneys General of 26 states play politically-motivated games, their lawsuit blocking the implementation of DAPA and expanded DACA is having real-life consequences for millions of immigrants across the nation. In a must-read piece, Esther Lee of ThinkProgress talks to immigrants whose families would be eligible... Continue »
Rumors of deportation raids have caused student attendance rates at one majority-Latino high school in Maryland to drop. The school, High Point High School in Prince George’s County, is about 70 percent Latino. “It’s a student population that’s prompted the school’s principal, Sandra Jimenez, to term it ‘Central American... Continue »