Sabrina Siddiqui of The Guardian Explores How Sen. Rubio is Purposefully Confusing on Immigration & Why it Matters   Washington, DC – More and more observers are highlighting that on immigration, Senator Marco Rubio is confusing the issue on purpose.  In new analysis for The Guardian, Sabrina Siddiqui examines... Continue »
The Guardian: Marco Rubio and immigration reform: the devilry is in the detail By Sabrina Siddiqui October 18, 2015 Washington Times: Donald Trump: ‘Saturday Night Live’ ratings will be ‘through the roof’ when I host By David Sherfinski October 19, 2015  LA Weekly: Movement To Get Saturday Night Live... Continue »
What’s happened to the President’s executive actions on immigration? That’s a good question. Republican politicians are doing everything in their power to prevent those policies from taking effect. Republicans on Capitol Hill threatened to shut down the government over them at the beginning of the year. Currently, the executive... Continue »
Groups Launch New National Effort to Show NBC, ‘Mass Deportation Is Not Funny’   Washington, DC—Today America’s Voice and MoveOn.Org Political Action launched a petition urging NBC to drop Donald Trump as the host on their upcoming November 7th episode. Trump’s invitation to host the popular sketch comedy show comes just three months... Continue »
Bumped this post as the Senate Republicans are expected to take up this ugly, anti-immigrant bill, sponsored by David Vitter, as early as Tuesday, October 21. Because Republicans just can’t seem to get enough of immigrant bashing, GOP Senate leaders are bringing yet another anti-immigrant bill to the Senate... Continue »
Grupos lanzan un nuevo esfuerzo nacional para mostrar a NBC que ‘la deportación masiva no es graciosa’  Washington, DC — Hoy America’s Voice y MoveOn.Org Acción Política lanzaron una petición instando a NBC a echar a Donald Trump como invitado en su episodio del 7 de noviembre. La invitación... Continue »
There’s no time to even write this blog post — Jose Adan Fugon-Cano and Gustavo Barahona-Sanchez need your help immediately! They could be deported any second.  They ended up in immigration custody after being racially profiled by local police in Louisiana.  DHS’ own civil rights office questioned the basis for their arrest... Continue »
Democrats Lean In; Rational Republicans Marginalized; and Trump’s Bigotry Continues to Define the Republican Party (and Soon NBC, Too) Washington, DC – It’s been another busy week in the world of immigration.  Here are our three main takeaways: Democrats Continue to Lean In on Immigration: The week kicked off... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): USA Today: Immigration could be stumbling block for Paul Ryan if he runs for speaker By Erin Kelly October 15, 2015 Talk Radio News Service: Immigration Group Angered by Trump’s SNL Gig October 15, 2015   The Hill: Latino group: NBC shouldn’t... Continue »
Washington, DC—No hay tiempo siquiera para escribir este texto, ¡José Adán Fugón Cano y Gustavo Barahona Sánchez necesitan de tu ayuda inmediatamente! Ellos pueden ser deportados en cualquier momento. Ambos terminaron en custodia de las autoridades de inmigración después de haber sido detenidos sólo por su aspecto racial por... Continue »