Today, Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) joined the #racismisntfunny effort to get NBC to Dump Donald Trump from Saturday Night Live. The Congressman wrote a letter to the Presidents of Comcast and NBC Universal, quoting from NBC’s earlier statement about Trump and  “asking them to ‘disinvite’ Donald Trump from hosting the... Continue »
Washington, DC – Today, the Senate failed to invoke cloture on a Senator David Vitter (R-LA) sponsored bill (S. 2146) targeting so-called “sanctuary cities.”  The bill, which would erode community trust with local law enforcement and scapegoat immigrants and their families, failed on a cloture vote this afternoon.    Following... Continue »
Washington, DC – Today, the Senate failed to invoke cloture on a Senator David Vitter (R-LA) sponsored bill (S. 2146) targeting so-called “sanctuary cities.”  The bill, which would erode community trust with local law enforcement and scapegoat immigrants and their families, failed on a cloture vote this afternoon. Following is... Continue »
As Rubio’s Immigration Talking Points Get Picked Apart and Criticized, He Sides with Immigration Hardliners on Senate Show-Vote Inspired By Donald Trump Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. Senate will take a procedural vote on a virulently anti-immigrant bill, sponsored by Senator David Vitter (R-LA) and inspired by Donald... Continue »
This afternoon, the Senate will vote on S. 2146, which is David Vitter’s anti-immigrant bill. Yesterday, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, in a blistering floor statement, vowed the “vile” legislation would not pass: Today, the Obama administration indicated that even if this ugly legislation somehow did pass, the President... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): National Journal: Three Things You Need to Know About Sanctuary Cities By J Weston Phippen October 20, 2015 Politico: Rubio veers right in latest immigration twist By Seung Min Kim October 20, 2015  TV Newsroom: Rubio rallies GOP faithful in conservative... Continue »
New Denver Post Piece Captures the Immigration Politics at Play in a State with a Surging Latino Population Washington, DC – As all eyes focus in on the next GOP debate in Colorado, a new Denver Post piece discusses the fact that the politics of immigration in the state... Continue »
Washington, DC— Pressure continues to mount on NBC as Saturday Night Live prepares to provide a platform for Donald Trump’s hateful attacks on Latinos and immigrants.  The following is a statement from Juan Escalante, Digital Campaigns Manager at America’s Voice:    Last week, America’s Voice wrote extensively about how Donald... Continue »
Pressure continues to mount on NBC as Saturday Night Live prepares to provide a platform for Donald Trump’s hateful attacks on Latinos and immigrants. Last week, America’s Voice wrote extensively about how Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric has real life consequences – and added that reputable programs like Saturday Night... Continue »
As the Senate returns to work from its latest break, the Republicans have prioritized S. 2146, anti-immigrant legislation, sponsored by David Vitter, but inspired by GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. Over the weekend, The New York Times editorialized that this bill is a “false fix for a concocted problem.” Here’s... Continue »