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Immigration Reform News Today / Qué Pasa En Inmigración, October 19, 2015

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The Guardian: Marco Rubio and immigration reform: the devilry is in the detail
By Sabrina Siddiqui
October 18, 2015

Washington Times: Donald Trump: ‘Saturday Night Live’ ratings will be ‘through the roof’ when I host
By David Sherfinski
October 19, 2015 

LA Weekly: Movement To Get Saturday Night Live To Dump Trump Gains Momentum
By Dennis Romero
October 16, 2015

Daily Kos: Immigration group: Saturday Night Live is ‘mainstreaming racism’ by having Trump as a host
By Kerry Eleveld
October 16, 2015

ThinkProgress: How Ted Cruz Responded To A Challenge To Reconcile His Anti-Immigrant Stance With The Bible
By Kerna Lerner
October 16, 2015

Politico: Trump shrugs off complaints about SNL gig
By Nick Gass
October 19, 2015

 Politico: Trump steps up his attacks on Bush and 9/11
By Nick Gass
October 19, 2015

CBS News: Trump: My immigration plans would have prevented 9/11
By Reena Flores
October 18, 2015

Latin Times: Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Says Martin O’Malley Has Best Presidential Immigration Plan
By Cedar Attanasio
October 16, 2015

AP: Democrats Embrace Obama Legacy Despite Risks in 2016 Race
October 19, 2015 

MSNBC: Word choice highlights differences between Democratic, GOP debates
By Nicole Brown
October 16, 2015 

Washington Examiner: RNC chairman: Republicans are ‘cooked’ if defeated in 2016
By Al Weaver
October 16, 2015

Politico: Marco Rubio’s wake-up call
By Kyle Cheney
October 17, 2015 

The Latino Post: John McCain Seeks Support From Latino Voters With ‘Unidos con McCain’ Campaign for Re-Election Bid
By Ma Elena
October 19, 2015 

AP: House GOP Faces Leadership Disarray as It Returns to Capitol
October 19, 2015 

Roll Call: Debt Limit, Highways Wait as Republicans Tackle Sanctuary Cities
By Niels Lesniewski
October 19, 2015

The Hill: GOP touts Senate bill to punish ‘sanctuary cities’
By Keith Laing
October 17, 2015

Washington Post: What ever happened to Obama’s sweeping executive actions on immigration?
By Jerry Markon
October 19, 2015 

AP: Texas May Deny Birth Certificates to Immigrants’ Children, Judge Rules
By Seth Robbins
October 17, 2015

AP: 2 Hondurans Face Deportation in Possible Profiling Case
By Cain Burdeau
October 16, 2015

New York Times (Editorial): The Great ‘Sanctuary City’ Slander
October 16, 2015 

Washington Post (Opinion): The flight from reality
By Robert J. Samuelson
October 18, 2015

USA Today (Opinion): One big issue the Democratic debate ignored
By Joe Guzzardi
October 16, 2015 

Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Donald Trump and the Know-Nothings
By Kathleen Frydl
October 16, 2015

Huffington Post (Op-Ed): My Father’s Story — and Why Congress Should Listen
By Cecilia Equihua
October 16, 2015 

Shreveport Times (Opinion-Louisiana): Attorney laments delay in appeals on undocumented people’s ruling
By Matt Bailey
October 17, 2015


Trump y Jeb Bush se enfrentan por comentarios del magnate sobre el 11 de septiembre

Jeb Bush y Trump calientan campaña republicana por comentarios del magnate sobre el 9/11
CNN en Español

Trump: mi política migratoria habría evitado atentados terroristas del 9/11 (Video)
EFE/La Opinión

Trump como anfitrión de SNL sería una bofetada a latinos
La Opinión/Impremedia

Protestan contra Donald Trump en Los Angeles
La Opinión/Impremedia

Acusan a Trump de haber hecho negocios con empresas controladas por la mafia

Donald Trump con presuntos nexos con la mafia
Noticiero Univision

Trump y Carson amenazaron con boicotear el próximo debate republicano
CNN en Español

Comercial pro Hilary enfatiza voto de las mujeres y madres latinas
La Opinión/Impremedia

Hillary Clinton también quiere ganar en Texas
EFE/Yahoo Noticias

En Alabama, Clinton promete abogar por derechos electorales
AP/Yahoo Noticias

Se agrava la guerra fría entre republicanos Bush y Rubio
AP/Yahoo Noticias

Activistas pro hispanos sobre temas que más tocan a la comunidad

Martin O´Malley, precandidato demócrata y sus planes para los hispanos

Huelga de hambre por DACA y DAPA no se quiebra en Nueva Orleans

Dinero que corrompe
La Opinión/Impremedia

Una democracia atrofiada
Arturo Sarukhan/Univision.com

Hillary Clinton contra Bernie Sanders
Sergio C. García/La Opinión

Escuelas aún batallan para acomodar a niños tras oleada de entrada de indocumentados (Video)
Noticiero Telemundo

“La ‘contención’ de migrantes es por seguridad pública: INM” La Jornada (México)

Abusos contra migrantes en México aumentan incluso mientras se reduce su número
Reuters/Yahoo Noticias

Congresista exige a ICE que investigue a compañía de fianzas que coloca grilletes a inmigrantes
La Opinión/Impremedia

Cientos de angelinos regresan por su ‘sueño mexicano’
La Opinión/Impremedia

Juez de Texas no interviene en caso de actas de nacimiento a inmigrantes
Univision.com y Agencias

Artista resalta herencia y dolor de los inmigrantes caribeños en su obra en el PAMM
El Nuevo Herald