On Wednesday, July 4, President Obama held a naturalization ceremony at the White House, welcoming 25 members of the military originally from 17 different countries as new American citizens. Obama’s thoughts via Byron York at Washington Examiner: We’re still perfecting our union, still extending the promise of America. That’s... Continue »
Earlier today, there was a report from the right-wing site, NewsMax, where Mitt Romney was talking about his immigration record: As for children of those who came to this country illegally, “I want to make sure they have a permanent answer as to what their status will be.” He... Continue »
Cross-Posted at Huffington Post: The June 27th headline in the Wall Street Journaltrumpeted the arrival of a new era in the politics of immigration. “Obama Gains Among Latinos: Poll Finds Strong Support Among Public for Softer Stance on Youth Deportations.” The piece noted: “Americans by a wide margin favor President... Continue »
It’s been an interesting month for politics. So far in June, the Obama Administration made the decision to provide relief for undocumented immigrant youth who would be eligible for the DREAM Act. Then the Supreme Court struck down most of the provisions of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law, SB 1070. And... Continue »
Post-health care decision analysis from Francis Wilkinson at Bloomberg notes that the ruling might provide a short respite for Romney from his ongoing immigration debacle: The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Democrats’ Affordable Care Act has saved the Romney campaign from its recent message muddle. Romney ran into turbulence as... Continue »