October 17, 2014 update: Grimes has announced she will be taking the ad down: Grimes campaign tells immigration-reform advocates she will pull offending ad and not use ‘the i word’ – http://t.co/JwZr846FPL #kysen #CIR — Joe Sonka (@joesonka) October 17, 2014 UPDATE: A number of progressive and get-out-the-vote groups have... Continue »
Latino Decisions and NCLR released a new poll today of Florida Latino voters and their electoral sentiments this year on a host of issues, including immigration reform.  Florida Latinos have historically been more conservative, and included large populations of Cuban and Puerto Ricans, for whom the issue of immigration reform tends to... Continue »
As Greg Sargent of the Washington Post notes, recent GOP fear-mongering on immigration issues do not bode well for a party trying to rebrand itself to Latino voters in the lead up to 2016. His piece entitled, “The future of GOP relations with Latinos, in one ad” follows below... Continue »
Republicans have a serious problem when it comes to engaging with voters who aren’t already part of their base — and that’s a truth that extends to Latinos, young voters, and others.  Today Fusion published their first-ever Massive Millennial Poll, which surveyed 1200 likely voters ages 18-34, with a number... Continue »
Yesterday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that President Obama delayed executive action on immigration until after the election because he didn’t want the former to be a “casualty” of the latter. “The concern is that, had the president moved forward with his announcement prior to Election Day,... Continue »
Bloomberg Politics has a great cover story today on the Senate race in Colorado between Sen. Mark Udall (D) and his challenger Rep. Cory Gardner (R).  It’s one of the most competitive races this fall, and is made even more important by the fact that Colorado is a significant bellwether for the rest of... Continue »
One of the hottest Congressional races this year is in Colorado’s 6th district, Rep. Mike Coffman (R) versus challenger Andrew Romanoff (D).  The district’s main newspaper has just endorsed Romanoff, in part over Coffman’s out of touch stance on immigration: When Coffman first went to Congress to represent a... Continue »
Yesterday, Daniel Strauss at Talking Points Memo exposed a new ad from Karl Rove’s American Crossroads PAC attacking Iowa’s Bruce Braley for supporting immigration reform.  The problem?  Karl Rove himself is a noted supporter of reform — he wrote this Wall Street Journal piece defending the Senate immigration bill last year.  Yet he’s targeting... Continue »
In Colorado, Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) has been making some pretty silly claims about supporting immigration reform, despite what the record shows, and his Democratic challenger is determined to expose the truth — in Spanish. Democrat Andrew Romanoff this week launched two ads (one for TV and one for radio)... Continue »
Why is a Karl Rove ad citing a Heritage study from the guy who once claimed that Latinos have low IQs? Karl Rove is a noted supporter of immigration reform.  Yet more than once this election season, groups funded by him have attacked Democratic candidates by going after them... Continue »