Latino Decisions’ David Damore Explains Why Polls in Colorado Have Consistently Underrepresented the Rising Latino Electorate and What it Could Mean for November As the final weeks of the 2014 midterm election season get underway, Dr. David Damore, Senior Analyst at Latino Decisions, takes to the pages of the... Continue »
From the Denver Post’s last few endorsements, you would never have thought that they used to support immigration reform. They did — in an editorial published a few days before the Senate passed a comprehensive immigration bill last summer, the Post wrote,  “the Senate bill is still the sort of comprehensive... Continue »
Check out this piece from Francis Wilkinson at Bloomberg View today.  We’ve seen a lot of GOP ugliness in recent days, fear-mongering about the border, ISIS, and ebola.  But the 2014 election will be over in two weeks, and the 2016 elections will become a hot topic right after.  The... Continue »
1:30 PM ET: Breaking news! Grimes campaign tells immigration-reform advocates she will pull offending ad and not use ‘the i word’ – #kysen #CIR — Joe Sonka (@joesonka) October 17, 2014 It’s been a bad week for Kentucky’s Alison Lundergan Grimes after the release of her “illegal aliens” ad,... Continue »
Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO), now running for Senate in a state where the electorate is 13% Latino, has been saying a lot of nice things about immigration reform.  Immigration reform has consistently been a top priority for Colorado’s Latino voters, and so Gardner has been going around claiming that... Continue »
All eyes this election season are on the country’s super-competitive Senate races, which will determine the oft-debated question as to whether Democrats will retain the upper chamber after November.  One of these all-important Senate races is in Colorado, where Republican challenger Cory Gardner has been putting up a small... Continue »
Latino Decisions with NCLR Action Fund released a poll of Latino voters in North Carolina today — you can see the results here.  Forty percent of those surveyed indicated that they would support the incumbent, Democrat Kay Hagan in the Senate race, while 15% preferred Republican Thom Tillis.  But 45% of... Continue »
Republicans running for Senate this year — Tom Cotton, Thom Tillis, but especially Scott Brown — have been running fear-mongering campaigns so egregious that they have become borderline farcical.  As Greg Sargent highlights today at the Washington Post, Scott Brown has managed to twist the specters of ebola, ISIS, and... Continue »
The US Chamber of Commerce is supposed to be a key conservative supporter of immigration reform — their President, Tom Donohue, has repeatedly spoken in favor of reform with a path to citizenship, and the Chamber made headlines last year when it reached a breakthrough accord with the AFL-CIO that helped... Continue »
Republicans Candidates – Gardner, Beauprez and Coffman – Would Create Lasting Damage on Immigration and Other Top Issues As ballots are mailed to voters across the state today, Latino leaders in Colorado held a press conference to highlight how important it is that Latino voters turn out in record... Continue »