Jan 23, 2010
Congressional Democrats are anxiously anticipating President Barack Obama's State of the Union address on Wednesday as they look to him to reverse a precipitous political slide that has endangered their majorities and helped revive the GOP.
Jan 22, 2010
For months, pundits in Washington have been dying to write the obituary for comprehensive immigration reform. Predictably, they're using Tuesday night's special election in Massachusetts as a chance to do just that. But what they overlook is that immigration may well be one of the few issues...
Asked whether House leadership had the political will to move comprehensive immigration reform legislation once the Senate passes a bill, which members of both houses have indicated is the current strategy, Becerra said: "The answer is, of course." "This year, working with the Senate, we can accomplish reform of...
A poll of 500 likely voters each in three battleground Congressional districts finds strong support for comprehensive immigration reform. Majorities of voters in Idaho's 1st Congressional District, Alabama's 2nd Congressional District, and California's 3rd Congressional District believe that comprehensive reform will help taxpayers and is a fair solution...
Oct 27, 2008
The massive spike in Latino and immigrant citizen turnout we're set to see this year is also a direct result of large-scale voter mobilization efforts by campaigns and organizations like the We Are America Alliance. Candidates beware: come January, this new voting bloc will be demanding that the next...