A new poll of Latino voters from the Public Religion Research Institute shows that Republicans have much to worry about when it comes to the Party’s national prospects and how they address immigration reform. As a New York Times recap states: More than 6 in 10 Hispanic respondents said...
It’s been almost a year since the 2012 election, and Mitt Romney has had time to do some thinking. In an interview with CNN last Friday, Romney talked about the failures of his 2012 campaign and said that his largest error involved his outreach to Latino voters. As...
This week, Mitt Romney returned to national attention with an interview on “Fox News Sunday”—his first public appearance since the 2012 election, and instantly made it clear that with him, nothing has changed. The man who promised to veto the DREAM Act, advocated for self-deportation, brought immigration advisors like...
Cross-posted at Daily Kos: Happy anniversary! One year ago today, January 23, at a GOP presidential debate in Florida, Mitt Romney first announced his support for self-deportation and set the stage for his loss in November. To jog your memory, here’s how Romney responded to a question from co-moderator Adam Smith of...
Diverse Coalition Supports It. Democrats Promised It. Republicans Need It. Washington, DC – Since the 2012 election results rolled in, it’s been hard to keep track of all the momentum behind real immigration reform. The immediate post-election developments included supportive comments from Republican Senators for real reform, such as...
Since the 2012 election results rolled in, it’s been hard to keep track of all the momentum behind real immigration reform. The immediate post-election developments included supportive comments from Republican Senators for real reform, such as Sens. Lindsey Graham (SC) and Rand Paul (KY), and the surprising backing of...
Matt Rhoades, Mitt Romney’s campaign manager, has added his voice to the ranks of other Republicans lamenting choices the Party made on immigration. At a forum hosted by the Harvard University Institute of Politics and reported on yesterday, Rhoades admitted that the campaign’s decision to move to the hard...
Campaign Manager “Regrets” Hard Right Stance on Undocumented Immigrants; Will Republicans in Congress Heed the Lesson? Matt Rhoades, Mitt Romney’s campaign manager, has added his voice to the ranks of other Republicans lamenting choices the Party made on immigration. At a forum hosted by the Harvard University Institute of...
El Gigante despertó y espera resultados en sus temas de interés Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice: WASHINGTON, DC – Los votantes latinos de Estados Unidos no sólo prefirieron a Barack Obama sobre el candidato republicano Mitt Romney por cifras abrumadoras sino que al hacerlo enviaron claros...
Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice: WASHINGTON, DC – Sin lugar a dudas el tema de la inmigración o más bien el manejo que dieron los candidatos al tema de la inmigración fue determinante en que los electores hispanos del país se volcaran a favor del presidente...