Yesterday, during MSNBC’s coverage of the Republican National Convention, Reporter Ron Mott secured an interview with Governor Jan Brewer – one that turned out to be gleefully surprising for us…and perhaps horrific for her (which, I must say, added to my joy). Mott asks: Let me ask you, if... Continue »
Last week, Romney advisor Kris Kobach led the effort to make the RNC platform an extremely anti-immigrant document. As we noted,  Kobach wanted everyone to know he wasn’t just pushing his own agenda. He pointed out that the anti-immigrant provisions are  “consistent with the Romney campaign.” The RNC platform was... Continue »
Maribel Hastings is a Senior Advisor at America’s Voice: They say that the first step toward fixing a problem is acknowledging that the problem exists. But at times during this Republican National Convention, the struggle to get the Republican Party to acknowledge that it has a serious Hispanic problem... Continue »
Washington, DC – As expected, the 2012 RNC platform contains extreme hardline positions on immigration.  The document is filled with references to “illegal aliens” and takes a particularly strong stand against the DREAMer deferred action program, declaring that President Obama’s immigration approach has “undermined the rule of law at every... Continue »
Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice TAMPA, Florida – Dicen que para resolver un problema primero hay que reconocer que existe. Y por momentos en esta Convención Nacional Republicana lograr que los republicanos reconozcan que tienen un severo problema hispano raya en lo absurdo. Haciendo alusión a... Continue »
Mitt Romney won’t give an answer as to what he’ll do about the deferred action policy for DREAMers  if he wins, but Texas GOP Senate candidate Ted Cruz isn’t afraid to say what he thinks. Cruz wants Romney to end it. Via Elise Foley at Huffington Post: Ted Cruz,... Continue »
Another day, another group of prominent voices criticizing Mitt Romney and the Republican Party’s hardline drift on immigration, and the Party’s subsequent hemorrhaging of Latino support.  As the following excerpts make clear, the consensus of an increasing number of observers is that Republican Party’s immigration strategy is not only... Continue »
Washington, DC – Another day, another group of prominent voices criticizing Mitt Romney and the Republican Party’s hardline drift on immigration, and the Party’s subsequent hemorrhaging of Latino support.  As the following excerpts make clear, the consensus of an increasing number of observers is that Republican Party’s immigration strategy is... Continue »
I’m in Tampa with my colleague, Maribel Hastings covering the Republican National Convention. Here’s our roundup of what happened in immigration yesterday — the sort-of-official-but-mostly-cancelled first day of the RNC: Protesters from Occupy Wall Street, labor, and immigrant groups joined together despite the inclement weather to rally outside the convention:... Continue »
In advance of the Republican National Convention next week, the political chatter in recent days has refocused on the importance of the Latino vote in the 2012 election.  Mitt Romney apparently now has a goal of winning at least 38% of the Latino vote nationwide–despite all the polls that... Continue »