Mitt Romney won’t give an answer as to what he’ll do about the deferred action policy for DREAMers if he wins, but Texas GOP Senate candidate Ted Cruz isn’t afraid to say what he thinks. Cruz wants Romney to end it.
Via Elise Foley at Huffington Post:
Ted Cruz, a Republican senatorial candidate from Texas, said Monday he thinks presidential candidate Mitt Romney should end President Barack Obama’s deferred action policy, going beyond Romney’s line that he doesn’t need to because he’ll fix the problem quickly through Congress.
Asked by Telemundo whether Romney should reinstate deportations of young people granted deferred action, Cruz said, “I do.”
“I think it is without authority, and we’re a nation of rule of law, and it is not defending anyone’s freedom to be undermining rule of law,” he said of President Obama’s June announcement that his administration would grant workauthorizations and deferred action — reprieve from deportation concerns for two years — to some undocumented young people.
Cruz is one of several Latinos speaking at the Republican National Convention. His father immigrated to the United States from Cuba.
Cruz wants to deport DREAMers and he’s apparently now part of Romney’s Latino outreach. In a battleground state poll release in June, Latino Decisions found “Latino registered voters are very enthusiastic about President Obama’s recent announcement and action on immigration policy that will halt deportations and provide temporary work permits to some young undocumented immigrants.”
Also, the Immigration Policy Center reported that 226,700 DREAMers in Texas could qualify for deferred action. That state has the second largest population of DREAMers after California. Those are 226,700 Texas DREAMers who Ted Cruz would deport.
Kris Kobach already wrote the GOP’s anti-immigrant platform. Is Romney letting Ted Cruz set the policy on deferred action?